ICANN Face-to Face Meeting
A summary of ICANN's face-to-face meeting and/or any other non-ICANN International Meetings travel reports will be published up to 60 days after the last of each quarter per ICANN's fiscal year. Below is an example breakdown of each quarter. If a meeting during or 10 days before the quarter date deadline, the travel report will be shown on the following quarter report.
Q1: 1 July - 30 September / Report Due: 29 November 2017
Q2: 1 October - 31 December / Report Due: 1 March 2018
Q3: 1 January - 31 March / Report Due: 30 May 2018
Q4: 1 April - 30 June / Report Due: 29 August 2018
2018-03-25 - EU Presidency conference on cybersecurity - SOF
2018-02-24 - GAC Capacity Workshop / APRICOT - KTM
2018-02-20 - Registrar Training Munich - MUC
2018-02-18 - M3WAAG Meeting - SFO
2018-02-01 - GNSO NCPH - LAX
2018-01-28 - Latin Generation Panel F2F Meeting - BRU
2018-01-25 - RSSAC IE Travel - BOS
2018-01-22 - SSR2 - BRU
2018-01-07 - UASG/EAI Workshop - HKG