2000-06-06 - At-Large Self-Nomination Procedures

2000-06-06 - At-Large Self-Nomination Procedures

Board approves Staff's proposed rules regarding timing of self-nomination phase, data elements to be submitted, and posting of candidate information on ICANN website; extends period for public review and comment on proposed rules; and tentatively sets new At Large membership applications deadline to 31 July.


Whereas, the staff posted on 19 May a set of proposed rules for the self-nomination phase of the At Large election process;

Whereas, a number of helpful public comments and constructive criticisms have been posted; and

Whereas, the Board wishes to provide additional time for public review and comment and to defer final decision on the rules until its next meeting in Yokohama, while recognizing the staff's need for sufficient guidance to properly construct and implement the online interface and database components necessary to launch the self-nomination phase shortly after the Yokohama meetings; it is

RESOLVED [00.43] that the Board generally approves the staff's proposed rules insofar as they relate to the timing of the self-nomination phase, the data elements to be submitted by candidates for self-nomination, and the posting of candidate information on the ICANN website (Rules 1 - 5);

FURTHER RESOLVED [00.44] that the period for public review and comment on the proposed rules (particularly Rules 6-10) is extended until 6 July; and

FURTHER RESOLVED [00.45] that the deadline for new At Large membership applications for purposes of participating in this year's At Large election is tentatively set for 31 July, subject to final ratification in Yokohama.

Implementation Actions

  • None
    • Responsible entity: None
    • Due date: None provided
    • Completion date: None

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