2006-07-18 - Redelegation of .GD ( Grenada)
- Category: ccTLDs
- Topic: (replace this text with a keywords from title)
- Board meeting date: 18 July 2006
- Resolution number: 06.61
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-18jul06.htm
- Status: (replace this text with: Completed, Ongoing, Suspended)
(replace this text with the a one-sentence summary of the resolution)
Kim Davies presented the proposed background on this matter to the Board. After discussion, Vint Cerf moved and Raimundo Beca seconded a request for a vote on the following resolution:
Whereas, the .GD top-level domain was originally delegated on 3 June 1992.
Whereas, ICANN has received a request for the redelegation of .GD to the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Grenada.
Whereas, ICANN has reviewed the request, and has determined that the proposed redelegation would be in the best interests of the local and global Internet communities.
Resolved (06.61), that the proposed redelegation of the .GD ccTLD to the National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Grenada is approved*.*
This resolution was approved 12-0 by voice vote.
Vint Cerf adjourned the meeting at 3.00 P.M. PDT US.
(Posted 17 August 2006; Updated 26 September 2006)
Implementation Actions
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- Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
- Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
- Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented)
- (replace this text with specific Action Item)
- Responsible entity: (replace this text with the responsible entity: ICANN department, ICANN Community Structure, Board, U.S. Department of Commerce)
- Due date: (replace this text with Due Date)
- Completion date: (replace this text with Date action was implemented)
Other Related Resolutions
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Additional Information
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