GPI Toolkit
Current Status:
The ICANN Board continues to engage with community groups on the utility of the GPI framework and has developed the GPI Framework Checklist that community groups may voluntarily choose to explore and leverage in their policy development and advice-making processes.
GPI Framework Pilot:
The pilot for the global public interest (GPI) framework was completed in October 2023, and the final report can be found here.
The ICANN Board oversaw ICANN org in running the pilot for the framework using two test cases: (1) the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) recommendations, and (2) New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (SubPro) recommendations.
The findings of the first phase of the pilot can be found in the Operational Design Assessment (ODA) report for the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD), at page 65, and Appendix 2, pages 101-105. The findings of the second phase of the pilot can be found in the Operational Design Assessment (ODA) report for the New Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Subsequent Procedures, at page 108, and Appendix 14, pages 301-318.
For community groups that wish to leverage the framework as part of their processes, a checklist version of the framework can be found here. Alternatively, a pdf version of the framework can be found here. A redline (Word) version of the framework is available here. The changes made to the initially proposed framework reflect the community feedback received during the pilot phase.
Note: The framework is intended to be a living document, subject to change, based on community feedback.
Pilot Background
The global public interest is central to many of ICANN’s primary governance documents - the Affirmation of Commitments, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation. Operationalizing the concept of the GPI has posed a challenge, despite years of attempts to understand and define it within ICANN.
The ICANN Board identified the GPI as one of its 2019 operational priorities and carried it over to 2021. In September 2019, the Board published a discussion paper on a proposed GPI framework, which marked the beginning of a longer process to develop a framework as a toolkit for the ICANN community to consider the global public interest. A community consultation was held from September to November 2019 to gather feedback from the community, and the framework was revised accordingly.
The purpose of the GPI framework is to facilitate a bottom-up multistakeholder-driven understanding of the GPI issues relevant to each Board decision. The framework is intended to reinforce the commitment to the public interest and to demonstrate how specific recommendations, advice, and public comments are in the global public interest. The framework will not change the process by which decisions are made.
Interested community groups were welcome to pilot the framework at the same time as the Board. The Board invited community members who opted to pilot the framework in their evaluations to share their experience and comments. Individuals and community groups are encouraged to make use of the comment section at the bottom of this wiki space to share their thoughts and feedback about the overall process, or any other aspects of this initiative.
Further Resources
ICANN82 Prep Week Webinar
This session will provide an overview of ICANN's ongoing efforts to understand and address the GPI. Participants will learn about key tools, such as the GPI Framework and Checklist, developed in consultation with the community to help identify and address GPI considerations in ICANN's work. During the session, attendees will be invited to provide feedback on the checklist, explore ways to improve it, and discuss how it can support ICANN's bottom-up, community-driven processes.
ICANN81 Board & SO/AC Engagement
The ICANN Board raised awareness and shared the GPI framework and checklist with SO/ACs at ICANN81. SOACs noted their willingness to explore utility and share feedback.
ICANN78 Prep Week Webinar
The Prep Week session for ICANN72 served as an opportunity to provide an update on the pilot and its findings. The session description and materials can be found here:
Public Plenary Session at ICANN73
The public session at ICANN73 took place on Monday, 7 March 2022. For the session recording and related materials, please visit:
ICANN72 Prep Week Webinar
The Prep Week session for ICANN72 served as an opportunity to provide an update on the pilot and discuss next steps. The session description and materials can be found here:
Public Session at ICANN66
The public session at ICANN66 took place on Monday, 4 November 2019. For the session recording and related materials, please visit:
Initial Community Consultations Webinars
Two webinars were held to discuss the proposed Global Public Interest Framework with the community:
The first webinar took place on Tuesday, 17 September 2019 at 15:00 UTC.
Recording here. |
The second webinar took place on Thursday, 19 September at 03:00 UTC.
Recording here. |
18 September - 18 October 2019 Community Consultation
In reviewing the proposal, the Board asked the ICANN community to consider the following questions for input to the Board:
- What are your thoughts on the proposed framework approach? Do you have any suggestions for how it could be improved?
- What are your thoughts on the proposed approach for decisions in the ICANN ecosystem to be accompanied by a consideration of their impact on the global public interest (as well as an explanation regarding what is meant by the GPI in the specific case)?
- How do you see this working for the Supporting Organization (SO), Advisory Committee (AC), constituency, group, review team, or cross-community working group (CCWG) to which you are contributing?
The Board received written feedback from the GNSO Council, ALAC, RySG, BC, and individual contributions. This feedback was taken into consideration and the paper above reflects that feedback.
Document Links
GPI Framework Checklist
- Google Spreadsheet - February 2025
Final Pilot Report
- PDF - October 2023
Latest Framework Version 5 (October 2023)
Proposed GPI Framework Discussion Paper Versions
Proposed Public Interest Framework (V4, dated 27 February 2023)
Proposed Public Interest Framework (V3, dated 22 June 2020)
Proposed Public Interest Framework (V2, dated 24 April 2020)
Proposed Public Interest Framework (V1 dated 4 September 2019)
Board GPI Framework Process Visual for FY21 Pilot
Board FY21 Pilot GPI Framework Process Visual (V1, latest version dated 22 June 2020)
For any questions or comments, please email