New gTLD Review Group 2013.02.28 Action Items

New gTLD Review Group 2013.02.28 Action Items

New gTLD Review Group

Thursday 28 February 2013 at 2100 UTC


Action Items


1) AI: Seek clarification on .Health : Staff to follow up with the new gTLD staff in ICANN as to how the .health application was filed.




1. RALO ADVICE IS TO THE ALAC. Answer to 5 questions

YES or NO and Abstentions


Wolf: Given the time constraint, would like to abstein,


CLO: Raised the concern of YES/NO answers. Better to Abstain in certain regions.


2) AI: Dev will update the options to YES/NO/ABSTAIN for each of the 5 questions.


3) ALAC Chair & Staff to check timings for ALAC conference call on Objections process.