New gTLD Review Group 2013.02.22 Action Items

New gTLD Review Group 2013.02.22 Action Items

Action Items





Deadline for statements for all of the .health objections 23-24 February.


The RALOs will have 8 days to review  between 25 February through 5 March. This will include possible RALO calls to review them.


The ALAC will have decide whether to accept the RALO advice by 7 March.


If the ALAC accept the RALO advice, they will have a 5 day online vote 7-12 March.


AI: Dev to send a note to the RALOs so that they area made aware of upcoming Review Group objections so that they can start the review process quickly.


AI: Staff to send a Doodle to the RG for Monday with a wide swath of times.