New gTLD Review Group AC Chat 2013-02-12
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the New gTLD Review Group on Tuesday 12 February 2013 at 1700 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Garth Bruen:FYI, no voice for me, following and updating textually
Garth Bruen:Today is also Pazcki Day
Garth Bruen:Pronouced "push-key" or "punch-key"
Alexander Kondaurov:Hello everybody!
Garth Bruen:You put together all your fat and jelly into a bunch of donuts to eat it before lent
Eduardo Diaz:Hola a todos! - connecting...
Garth Bruen:That's a Pazcki!
Garth Bruen:hmmm, eating too many Pazckis
Dave Kissoondoyal:Hi all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Hi!
Nathalie Peregrine:Thomas Lowenhaupt has joined the call
Tom Lowenhaupt:Hello.
Alexander Kondaurov:Summary is quite clear.... ;+))
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Nathalie Peregrine:sure
Garth Bruen:Back, Adobe Connect keeps locking(Loki-ing) my computer. I have run updates, hopefully that will fix it.
Garth Bruen:Argh, but now I don't hear anything
Eduardo Diaz:what about putting together the objection
Heidi Ullrich:Garth, do you hear audio now
Nathalie Peregrine:Garth, if you provide us with a number, we can dial out to you?
Alexander Kondaurov:My connection is quite unstable.... If it will brake - I'll try to reconnect...
Garth Bruen:No, still cant hear. Will reboot one more time. No phone at the moment.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:cna anyone either scroll to the right screen or unlock the screen for us to scoll freely to it?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks
Alexander Kondaurov:It seems to me that Top-Level domains are much different from any second-level, so all objections are to have priority - just because of the fact that they are uniqe and wrong decision will cost much more then in .com or .org case.
Garth Bruen:Now I can hear
Robert Pollard:Re Justine's comment on Targeting. There is undoubtedly a strong association between and the company of that name, however, as far as I can see, there is no evidence of such a relationship between .amazon and the company. As owner of, the company is fully capable of establishing as many sub-domains as it would like, eg, that would maintain the existing identification with the bookseller.
Tom Lowenhaupt 2:See my general comment on amazon and patagonia at
Alexander Kondaurov:Tom Lowenhaupt 2 - +1 ;+))
Tom Lowenhaupt 2:Can Seth's cartoon be posted?
Tom Lowenhaupt 2:OK
Garth Bruen:The last series of quesitons are difficult to gather information for
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:can someone please unsync the document because we're on the wrong page
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:so we can scroll outselves
Nathalie Peregrine:it should be now
Eduardo Diaz:It's not scrolable
Nathalie Peregrine:and now?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thx
Heidi Ullrich:Sorry, Nathalie! I'll let you drive ;)
Nathalie Peregrine::)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Eduardo Diaz:I gave it a pass grade for I was looking targeting from the perpective of close association
Eduardo Diaz:The stament before was for the targeting area
seth:Yes, if nothing else, I am consistent!
Garth Bruen:Dev, I've just sent my ratings. Sorry, for some reason I never got the original templates
Garth Bruen:I may when we get to Health
Garth Bruen:Like I said earlier, it is diffiuclt to answer some of the questions which are hypothetical
Garth Bruen:I am leaning towards favoring any concerns from a community over those of a private company, especially if these companies have not, as far as I know reached out to the objectors.
Nathalie Peregrine:Dave s only on the AC
Robert Pollard:There is substantial evidence of a growing recognition within the global community of indigenous people that web and digital communications are a vital tool in their efforts to defend their rights and territories. With the Amazon watershed home to many indigenous communities, and with the widely-recognized threats to the critically vulnerable Amazon rainforest ecosystem, the acquisition of .amazon by would not only be a detriment to the indigenous communities by depriving them of the opportunity for a subsequent application for .amazon, but would also be a potential detriment to the global ecosystem
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Garth Bruen:+1 on that Robert
Garth Bruen:Kind of ironic since Amazon sells books, which is about chopping down trees
Garth Bruen:On .health: There is considerable historical evidence of abuse in the DNS specifically of the medical and health fields, paired with a lack of proactive action by registrants, registries, registrars and ICANN in this area. Consumers are also heavily impacted by health-related fraud.
Garth Bruen:I know, just trying to get it in because my Adobe keeps goin out
Garth Bruen:Really applies to last list of questions, should have stated that
Garth Bruen:I have given the rest of the items a Pass except for a few which I have marked as unknown
Garth Bruen:Yea
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Dev.
Tom Lowenhaupt 2:One is a crash.
Robert Pollard:Re Next steps: The Review Group's recommendation will be sent to all the RALO lists ASAP
Dev Anand :
Garth Bruen:AC crashed again, now I'm back
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Robert Pollard:I had also sent the objection to the newgtld list
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Robert Pollard comment :
seth:I have not. I would point out that I think Justine and I answered the questions on Community from different perspectives, with Justine focussing on who Tom represents and I will considering the geographic community that is NYC
Robert Pollard:I would have posted it earlier to .nyc_OG but it took a while to get registered for thw wiki, and the additional time to get permission to add comments; many thanks to Grisella Gruber for her help with this
Eduardo Diaz:Are we on schedule to evaluate nyc at this time?
Eduardo Diaz:Thanks to you Dev. Great work/meeting.
seth:thanks Dev
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks all for your efforts.
Tom Lowenhaupt 2:Thanks to all the members of the RG and staff.