New gTLD RG 2012.08.06 Summary minutes

New gTLD RG 2012.08.06 Summary minutes

Summary Minutes
Monday 06 August 2012 at 1500 UTC

1.  Introduction - Dev Anand Teelucksingh (5 min)
Introduction was held

2.  Roll Call - Staff (2 min)
Roll call was held

3.  Review/Update of RG SOIs - Dev Anand Teelucksingh (10 mins)
DAT: Has there been any changes that necessitate an update to SOIs?

4.  Review of emails/comments received by the RG  - All (20 mins)
DAT: My concern is that now we have to look at (1) the comments on the wiki page (2) decide to send the comments to the ALAC - today (3) confirm the content of the commemts
DAT: The deadlines for comments is August 12.Comments are usually directed at panels on objections grounds.
DAT: Internet.NZ has raised an objection. They claim that the new policy of private, closed representation is against the spirit of the openness of the internet. They used this application as an example of the closed competitiveness.
DAT: My concerns: (1) These comments are being stated on community objection grounds - this is too vague. (2) What I see is that I am not sure if this comment meets our threshold
DAT: This is a comment period, standing is not necessary.
AG: What is being proposed is essentially a rule and it cannot be added at this point. We cannot make value judgements at this point, it is too late.
Yrjo: I agree that it is a bit too late.
AG: The board did reserve the right to reject applications based on public interest. If this is the test.
DAT: Given that this issue raises policy issues, we may need to give ALAC some issues to consider:
HU: Will this group like to raise this issue via email or special call.
DAT: We will have to do this via email.
DAT: I will draft the email based on what the group has decided, and I will post it to the group.

5.  Developing a one page summary of the ALAC/At-Large Objection Process (10 mins)
DAT: There has been some discussion of developing a summary
HU: It has been suggested that the ALAC move forward with its one pager.
DAT: We should send out the email to the RALOs and then move forward.
DAT: Getting back to this one page document, this can be useful for outreach to the at-large and the public.