2013 GNSO-NCPH Intersessional Meeting Agenda
2013 GNSO-NCPH Intersessional Meeting Agenda
This is latest version (vFirm3) of the 2013 GNSO NCPH Intersessional Meeting Agenda.
Agenda - NCPH Inter-Sessional (vFirm3- Jan25).docx
This is the confirmed list of in-person attendees at the 2013 GNSO NCPH Intersessional Meeting.
Attendees (Scheduled) for Jan 2013 GNSO NCPH LA Mtg (vFirm3-Jan25).xls
List of Meeting Participants attending via telephone or Adobe Connect:
Telephone and AC Attendees for Jan 2013 GNSO NCPH LA Mtg (vFirm-Jan31).docx
(The attached list (above) reflects remote participants who logged into the available Adobe Connect Meeting rooms or who joined any joint sessions by telephone. Please alert staff in the comment sections below if you have been incorrectly added-to or left-off the list of remote participants)