Discussion Questions
Discussion Questions
(as first shared during the 2016 NCPH Intersessional Meeting in Los Angeles, California)
- What are the 3 key issues facing ICANN?
- Is the current GNSO structure broken to the degree that it requires urgent attention?
- What are the key drivers for change?
- lack of balanced representation?
- lack of balanced voting arrangements?
- lack of efficiency and effectiveness?
- stove pipe approach to policy development?
- Could we fix the current problems within the two House bi-cameral structure?
- Could we fix the current problems by restructuring the NCPH or the CSG/NCSG?
- Would stricter adherence to BGC 7 - "The Council should transition from being a legislative body to a strategic manager overseeing policy development", assist in resolving many issues?
- What does that mean for the role of Working Groups?
- If the need for formal voting were reduced, would that alleviate some of the problems?
- Is that a realistic goal, how could it be achieved?
- Would the move towards ‘strategic management’ support dispensing with the two House approach?
- Would using an increasing number of CCWGs assist (noting many issues require the GNSO to appoint reps to CCWGs)?
- Does the current limitation on GNSO appointments to CCWG’s allow all parties equal representation?
- If not can that be fixed within the CCWG structures?
- Are there better ways of achieving that?
- Will a reform of the GNSO achieve the best answer for ICANN or is timely to undertake a review of the whole ICANN structure and its working methods/relationships, including the role of the AC’s and GAC in policy development?
- Is now the time for this?
- What would that mean for the IANA transition?
- The need for By-law changes?
- Is it preferable to focus on each part of ICANN separately or promote a ‘big bang’ approach that would take longer and probably face stronger opposition?