Civil Society At Work In ICANN

Civil Society At Work In ICANN


At-Large Community

The At-Large Community represents the interests of Internet users in ICANN. 

At Large Structures

User organizations and unaffiliated users, known as At Large Structures (ALSs), are organized on a regional basis and are the basic unit where policy advice related to users interests is developed. At-Large Structures may self-identify as civil society organizations.  ALSs and individual members are organized into five Regional At Large Organisations (RALOs). 

Regional At Large Organisations

RALOs are the communication forum and coordination point for a region's ALSs.  RALOs also form various Internet working groups for the ALSs in their regions to collaborate on issues ranging from policy development to Internet governance. They play a key role in ICANN's regional strategies.  The five RALOs each appoint 2 members of At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC). 

At-Large Advisory Committee

The ALAC is the primary organizational home for the voice and concerns of individual Internet users in ICANN.  ALAC advocates for the Interests of users, advises the Board on the activities of ICANN, including Internet policies developed by ICANN's Supporting Organisations.  ALAC and the At-Large Community also select a Director to serve on ICANN's Board of Directors.

Non Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG)

The NCSG provides a voice and representation in the GNSO and other ICANN policy processes to non-profit organizations and individuals who are primarily concerned with the noncommercial, public interest aspects of domain name policy. NCSG has two member constituencies representing different noncommercial interests.

Noncommercial Users Constituency (NCUC)

NCUC advocates positions on domain name-related policies that protect and support noncommercial communication and activity on the Internet. NCUC members are involved in civil liberties and human rights, Internet freedom, consumer protection, education, research, development, and many other areas of public policy advocacy. The NCUC focuses on issues such as freedom of expression, privacy and human rights, as they relate to the domain name system and the policies that govern it.

Not-for-profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC)

NPOC focuses on the impact of DNS policies on the operational readiness and implementation of non-commercial missions and objectives. It aims to represent the operational concerns of not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations who have registered an Internet domain. Operational concerns include domain name registration, expansion of the DNS, fraud and abuse, using the DNS to provide and collect information and how the DNS can best serve their members and communities.