FY15 implementation plan
FY15 implementation plan
Proposed projects | Activities under projects | Timeline | Link with the Africa Strategy objectives | |
1 | DNNSEC ROADSHOW | DNSSEC roadshow : Workshops in african countries | July 2014 - June 2015 | Promote adoption of DNSSEC |
2 | Outreach Program (Stakeholder Engagement) | Outreach Visists to African Countries | July 2014 - June 2015 | Promote the multistakeholder model and platform in Africa at the Government, civil society and private sector levesl to enrich participation in ICANN constituencies Effective Communication |
Outreach during International events. | Effective communication/Outreach on ICANN | |||
3 | IDN Africa | Bring some African participants in Latin script generation Panel. | July 2014 - June 2015 | Institutionalize IDN support |
4 | DNS AWARD | Organize the award event during the ICANN 52 meeting | february 2015 | Motivate African leaders by creating awards to celebrate best practices in DNS Industry |
5 | DNS incubation | Contribution to existing Incubation center program with introduction of DNS business operation | July 2014 - June 2015 | Build Entrepreneurship program in the DNS area |
6 | Exchange program with DNS industry leaders | Send candidates / Interns from African registrars and registries for and exchange programme with leading registries in the world | July 2014 - June 2015 | Promote strategic partnerships between global and local entrepreneurs in the DNS industry |
7 | Support Deployment of Anycast instances of Root servers | Assist organizations wishing to host L root-server instances in Africa | July 2014 - June 2015 | Deploy more Anycast instances of L-Root in cooperation with Regional Organisations. |
8 | Policy advice on ccTLDS Workshops | Contribution to ccTLD redelegation issues through national workshops | July 2014 - June 2015 | Review delegation and redelegation procedure in support of strenghten African ccTLDs |
9 | Annual topical workshop in Africa | Organize a workshop on a specific topic in the DNS industry in Africa | July 2014 - June 2015 | Support Capcity building and Development of Internet Governance in Africa |
10 | Observatory on DNS industry | Set up an observatory on DNS industry | July 2014 - June 2015 | An observatory to develop new indices for DNS industry growth in Africa ; |