Vertical Integration Resources
VI Matrix
The VI Working Group has developed a matrix to facilitate comparison of the various proposals submitted for consideration. The current version of the Matrix is attached.
Flip chart pages from face meeting (Brussels, Saturday)
Flip chart photos can be found on this page
WG Proposals Under Consideration
Current Proposals
- BRU1 proposal First of two proposals that was started at the face-to-face meeting in Brussels (summarized by Richard Tindel)
- BRU2 proposal Second of two proposals that was started at the face-to-face meeting in Brussels (summarized by Keith Drazek and Kathy Kleiman)
- JN2+ Proposal Neustar/Demand Media/Network Solutions/Domain Dimensions/Key-Systems GmbH/Phil Buckingham/INDOM/Blacknight/Dynamic Network Services, Inc/EuroDNS/Steve Pinkos
- RACK+ Proposal Afilias/PIR /GoDaddy/RNA Partners/eCOM-LAC/CORE /Cheryl Langdon-Orr/Sébastien Bachollet /Alan Greenberg/Jothan Frakes/Olga Cavalli
- IPC Model IPC Model
- FreeTrade Free trade model (formerly Siva Free Trade Model)
- CAMv3 Competition Authority Mode] [pdf|] [doc|] CAMv3 summary CAMv3 MF summary
- DAGv4 -- VI-related excerpt from the latest version of the Draft Applicant Guidebook*
- Board Resolution -- ICANN Board resolution regarding Vertical Integration -
Prior Proposals
Siva Free Trade Model -- Sivasubramanian M-
Phil Buckingham- Buckingham Model
Eric Brunner-Williams- CORE Proposal
Jeff Eckhaus- Demand Media Proposal
Kathy Kleiman- PIR Model- PIR Model
Mike Palage/Milton Mueller/Avri Doria Proposal - MMA Proposed Model
Tim Ruiz- GoDaddy Model
Open Registrar Proposal- Open Registrar Proposal
Jeff Neuman- NeuStar Proposal- NeuStar Proposal
Summary of Resources on Vertical Integration
About Models- Eric Brunner-Williams
Overarching Themes of Registry Position- Brian Cute
Revisiting Registry Separation of Registries and Registrars - CRA International
Summary of Public Comment on the CRAI Report:
Proposal for Registry/Registrar Separation- Michael Palage
Registry Stakeholder Group Supermajority Statement- 13 April 2009:
Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Expanded Cross Ownership of Registries and Registrars- David Sappington
VI Introduction - Steve Salop
Registry-Registrar Vertical Separation - Vertical Integration Options - Steve Salop and Joshua Wright
The case for a Registry Owning a Registrar That Sells its Names- Richard Tindal
Models Proposed in the Draft Applicant Guidebook:
Draft Applicant Guidebook Version 3:
Summary of Public Comment to Draft Applicant Guidebook Version 3:
Vertical Integration PDP
List of Acronyms and Commonly Used Terms
Draft Definitions for GNSO Vertical Integration Working Group: Draft Definitions for GNSO Vertical Integration Working Group
"acronyms and commonly used terms"
Acronym Helper: