20 January 2015 Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation (SCI)

20 January 2015 Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation (SCI)

The next Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 January at 2000 UTC. 

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/ldqwwoe

Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/standcommdraft/






Proposed Agenda (subject to change):

1.      Roll Call/SOI Updates

2.      Each member to summarize briefly his/her reasons for being involved with SCI

3.      Discussion of “Immediate Review” and “Periodic Review” as contained in SCI Charter

4.      Discussion of draft letter to GNSO Council regarding 2015 work plan

5.      AOB

6.      Scheduling of next meeting (none in Singapore – Avri to brief GNSO Council)

7.      Adjournment