13 October 2012
13 October 2012
The next meeting of the Standing Committee on Improvements Implementation is scheduled for Saturday 13 October 2012 in Toronto, Canada at 0900 local time..
Adobe Connect: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/standcommdraft/
Proposed Agenda:
1. Roll call
2. Statement of Interests
3. Approval of the agenda
4. Short update on council action
5. Continuing discussion (and suggested solutions) on
- Deferral of Motions
J. Scott ’s suggestion
- Voting Thresholds for Delaying a PDP (see proposed language on list)
Update on Team Work
7. Raising an issue -
Has this been sufficiently clarified - currently needs to come from g-council or from a WG
8. Status update on Working Group survey
9. AOB
For review: