PPSC Meeting Agendas

PPSC Meeting Agendas

28 Feb 2009: ICANN Mexico City

0900-1030 PPSC Kickoff Meeting: Slide Presentation (Rm. Don Diego 2)

Conference call: 18 February 2009

20:00 UTC

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Update on volunteers for work teams / Statements of Interest
  2. Review/discuss Work Team Rules (on wiki) including concerns raised by Mike R. / Path Forward
  3. Proposed Mexico City Agendaa. February 28, 2009 - 9:00am - 12:00 pm (Local Mexico Time)i. 9:00am - 10:15am: PPSC + 2 Work Teams1. Introductions
    2. Current PDP Review
    3. Board Concerns with current PDP
    4. Brainstorm session on PPSC Work Team members' perceptions of current PDPii. 10:15 am - 10:30 am - Break
    iii. 10:30 am - 12:00 pm - Individual Work Team Meetingsb. March 1, 2009 (Time TBD) - Full meeting of PPSC plus 2 Work Teams

    Conference call: 21 January 2009

20:00 UTC

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Update on volunteers for work teams
  2. Review/discuss Working Group Team charter and PDP Team charter (on wiki)
  3. Review/discuss Work Team Rules including modest change to proposed statement of interest template (on wiki)
  4. Discuss/decide on interim chairs

Conference call: 7 January 2009

20:00 UTC

Proposed Agenda:

  1. PPSC charter
  2. Work team charters
  3. Solicitation/announcement for all 5 work teams
  4. Working team rules (draft on wiki)
  5. Statement of interest template
  6. Discuss appointing interim chairs for work teams
  7. Discuss time lines/identify high priority areas /provide for adequate public comment

Conference Call: Wednesday, 10 December 2008

20:00 UTC

Proposed Agenda:

  • Review PPSC charter
  • Review charters for Work Teams
  • Review what needs to be done immediately, before the June transition
  • Longer range activities
  • AOB

Conference Call: Monday, 24 November 2008

20:00 UTC

Proposed Agenda:

  • Choose a chair. any nominees? volunteers?
  • Role of alternates
  • Regular Meeting time
  • Walk through wiki space * Includes discussing the proposed structure, e.g. work teams.
  • Decide what to do next. * Review charter * Review/Create charters for Work Teams * What needs to be done immediately, before the June transition * Longer range activities
  • AOB

PPSC call notes 24 Nov 2008.doc (Please note that these are meeting notes, not official minutes)

Initial PPSC Meeting: 2 November 2008

11:15 - 12:15, Room: Al Hambra
Cairo, Egypt InterContinental City Stars Hotel
Agenda: Slide Presentation PPSC_Kick-off.pdf - Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC)
MP3 meeting recording link: Not Recorded
Internal Wiki Links: Policy Process Steering Committee (PPSC)