Public Comments Review - Sub Team 1 (Section 1.3.2)

Public Comments Review - Sub Team 1 (Section 1.3.2)

This Sub Team 1 was formed to perform a preliminary review of the public comments received on the WG's open questions published in Section 1.3.2 of the WG's Initial Report. These open questions relate to the escalation of relay requests, and the handling of disclosure requests from third parties other than intellectual property rights-holders (e.g. law enforcement authorities).


20 July: 

27 July: 

27 July:  Sub Team 1.3.2 - Q2 (working draft) 

31 July: 

4 August: 

21 August:

28 August:

  • UPDATED Q1 Summary (with suggested language updating WG preliminary recommendation on escalation of relay requests) - CIRCULATED TO THE FULL WG FOR DISCUSSION ON 5 SEPTEMBER

2 September:

4 September:


27 July: Transcript and Recording

30 July: Transcript and Recording

18 August: Transcript and Recording



Alex Deacon (co-convener)

Lindsay Hamilton Reid (co-convener)

Sara Bockey (withdrew on 14 September 2015)

Val Sherman

Volker Greimann

David Cake