2. DT Documents (drafts - published)
The drafting team is developing mind-maps of its work, at least in these early stages. We'll post those maps here.
Document types:
PDF -- these are read-only files that allow navigation of the mind-map -- but they must be opened in Adobe Reader 9 or later
MMAP -- these are the editable mind-map files -- can be loaded directly into Mindjet's MindManager product or imported into the open-source Freemind program
MM -- these are the editable mind-map files in Freemind format -- we switched programs in mid project
HTML -- these are straight text html files that can be read by any web browser
Results of the 5-Dec 2011 teleconference
Results of the 12-Dec 2011 teleconference
Results of the 22-Dec 2011 teleconference
Results from the 9-Feb 2012 teleconference
FRN-DT approach v5.mmFRN-DT approach v5.pdf
Results from the 16-Feb 2012 teleconference
Results from the 23-Feb 2012 teleconference
DRAFT Briefing Deck