GNSO Deadlines Home

GNSO Deadlines

Welcome to the GNSO Deadlines page. This regularly updated space will centralise GNSO deadlines for the upcoming months to assist you with community scheduling needs.


Travel & travel fundingElections & Appointments
ICANN MeetingsAd hoc Events
Funding requestsICANN Board
June 2019
DateDescriptionActionPoint of Contact
15 June 2019ICANN66 Travel funding GNSO PDP WG Chairs Support Pilot ProjectSubmit applications for GNSO PDP WG Chair travel 

24 - 27 June 2019

ICANN65 Marrakech

24 June 2019Ethos Award

July 2019
DateDescriptionActionPoint of Contact
5th July 2019Funded Travel Support ICANN66Submit names of SG & C Funded travelers (hotel, flight, per diem)
28 July 2019CROP Assessment reports from ICANN65 trips dueCROP recipients to submit assessment reports within 21 days (3 weeks) of return, onto their respective Wiki

August 2019
DateDescriptionActionPoint of Contact
25th August 2019Announcement of new councilors & NomCom selectionCommunicate new councilor and NomCom appointee

September 2019
DateDescriptionActionPoint of Contact
3rd September 2019ICANN66 additional travelersCommunicate any additional travelers to GNSO
13th September 2019CROP trip proposals for ICANN66 dueSubmit any trip proposals for ICANN66 to CROP Staff, via your designated community's point of
18th September 2019ICANN66 Replacement travelersCommunicate any changes in funded traveler names to GNSO
20th September 2019Announcement GNSO Chair candidatesContracted Party House and Non Contracted Party house submit their GNSO Chair
October 2019
DateDescriptionActionPoint of Contact
19th October 2019GNSO Chair Candidate StatementsCandidates to submit their statements to the GNSO
3rd November 2019GNSO Chair Candidate meetingsCandidates to discuss their application with the GNSO
6th November 2019GNSO Chair electionN/
November 2019
DateDescriptionActionPoint of Contact

4 - 7 November 2019

ICANN66 Montreal

End of November 2019Confirmation of Standing Selection Committee members (deadline AGM +3 weeks)SG/C Chairs to confirm their SSC
December 2019
DateDescriptionActionPoint of Contact