2021-08-18 IDNs EPDP - Meeting #02
2021-08-18 IDNs EPDP - Meeting #02
The call for the IDNs EPDP team will take place on Wednesday, 18 August 2021 at 13:30 UTC for 60 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/6353d7cc
- Welcome/agenda review
- Confirm regular meeting time
- Selection of Vice Chair
- Background briefing from ICANN org
- Begin initial review of charter questions
Prior to this week’s call, it may also be helpful to review the charter questions beginning on page 4 of the charter: 2. Charter
Slides for agenda item 4: PDF
Notes/ Action Items
1. Welcome/agenda review
- Edmon has been selected by NomCom to serve on the ICANN Board.
- Suggestion to consult with Council leadership about when it will be necessary to appoint a new Chair to the EPDP and the process for doing so.
- Question: is any of the discussion in this WG confidential?
- Response: All of the deliberations are public. Calls are recorded and transcribed.
2. Confirm regular meeting time
- Suggested regular meeting slot based on the doodle poll: Wednesdays at 13:00 UTC.
- There will be a conflict in this slot every other week with the ALAC CPWG call.
- For the time being, the WG will use the suggested slot and then revisit when there is more clarity on next steps regarding the leadership arrangement for this WG.
3. Selection of Vice Chair
- Two volunteers have put up their hands for this role: Donna Austin and Anil Jain.
- Suggestion: The Vice Chair could step into the Chair role in the future and the other candidate could become the Vice Chair.
- Response: For now the group will focus on the current situation – selection of the Vice Chair. The Vice Chair will help support the transition process while a new Chair is selected, but the Council will likely want to determine how to select a new Chair. Once the GNSO Council provides additional guidance, the Working Group can respond as needed to move the work forward.
- See recording/transcript for statements from the candidates.
- Poll results: Donna Austin (7/10) and Anil Jain (3/10).
- No concerns raised for moving forward with Donna Austin as Vice Chair.
4. Background briefing from ICANN org
- Slides available at https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/epdpidn/2021-08-18+IDNs+EPDP
- This briefing will continue on the next call.
5. Begin initial review of charter questions
- This agenda item has been deferred to the next call.
6. AOB
- None