Transfer Procedure: DRAFT to APPROVED

Transfer Procedure: DRAFT to APPROVED

Steps involved in transferring a completed DRAFT template to the APPROVED Forms section of the CROPP Wiki:

  1. Using <Edit Contents>:
    1. In the Staff Use Only section (top right), add "Approved" in GREEN using the 'status' macro

    2. Add the transfer date at the very bottom of the page. 
  2. Use Tools, Move and select the ICANN structure (e.g., AFRALO Approved Forms) ... (Note: deleting the word "DRAFT" works, then select from the list).
  3. Once the form is moved, use <Edit> to:
    1. Remove the word "DRAFT" at the end of the page title (Note: Be sure to backspace so that there is not a space at the end of the title). 
    2. Change the label from "cropp17-xxxx-draft" to "cropp17-xxxx" 
  4. Go back to the original Community Workspace. Edit the main ICANN structure page to:
    1. Replace the first Trip Proposal Link with the lozenge stored in the Hidden Data macro
    2. Remember to edit the title of the lozenge to reflect the proper number of the Proposal
  5. (For FY17, DO NOT EXECUTE THIS STEP) In the Approved Forms section, set Editing Page restrictions to the Program Admin personnel. 

When the Trip/Event Assessment is completed:

  1. Use Tools, Move and select the appropriate 'Trip Proposal' or 'Event Proposal' form that matches the Assessment as the parent page.
  2. Edit and remove the word "DRAFT" from the title in its new location
  3. In the Community Workspace area, the ICANN structure heading page will automatically reflect the new location; nothing needs to be done there.
  4. IMPORTANT: Using <Edit Contents>, add the date posted to the applicable Trip Proposal section under Program Admin.
  5. (For FY17, DO NOT EXECUTE THIS STEP) In the Approved Forms section, set Editing Page restrictions to the Program Admin Staff