Transfer Procedure: DRAFT to APPROVED
Transfer Procedure: DRAFT to APPROVED
Steps involved in transferring a completed DRAFT template to the APPROVED Forms section of the CROPP Wiki:
- Using <Edit Contents>:
In the Staff Use Only section (top right), add "Approved" in GREEN using the 'status' macro
- Add the transfer date at the very bottom of the page.
- Use Tools, Move and select the ICANN structure (e.g., AFRALO Approved Forms) ... (Note: deleting the word "DRAFT" works, then select from the list).
- Once the form is moved, use <Edit> to:
- Remove the word "DRAFT" at the end of the page title (Note: Be sure to backspace so that there is not a space at the end of the title).
- Change the label from "cropp17-xxxx-draft" to "cropp17-xxxx"
- Go back to the original Community Workspace. Edit the main ICANN structure page to:
- Replace the first Trip Proposal Link with the lozenge stored in the Hidden Data macro
- Remember to edit the title of the lozenge to reflect the proper number of the Proposal
- (For FY17, DO NOT EXECUTE THIS STEP) In the Approved Forms section, set Editing Page restrictions to the Program Admin personnel.
When the Trip/Event Assessment is completed:
- Use Tools, Move and select the appropriate 'Trip Proposal' or 'Event Proposal' form that matches the Assessment as the parent page.
- Edit and remove the word "DRAFT" from the title in its new location
- In the Community Workspace area, the ICANN structure heading page will automatically reflect the new location; nothing needs to be done there.
- IMPORTANT: Using <Edit Contents>, add the date posted to the applicable Trip Proposal section under Program Admin.
- (For FY17, DO NOT EXECUTE THIS STEP) In the Approved Forms section, set Editing Page restrictions to the Program Admin Staff