FY16 CROPP Program Update and Reminders

FY16 CROPP Program Update and Reminders

Sent via Email on 12 August 2015...

Dear At Large RALO and GNSO Constituency Leaders:

Following up on our recent 16 June update email, we would like to remind you that the FY16 Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) Wiki Space is open and ready for use and the CROPP Support Staff team is available to you for any questions or support.

We are pleased to note that a number of communities have already begun to utilize the FY16 wiki space and progress on community outreach and engagement strategies is proceeding on a number of fronts.  We have received the first FY16 trip proposal from the APRALO community which has already developed, approved and filed their community strategy (see – here).

As was true last year, the CROPP provides a framework in which each of the At-Large RALOs and GNSO Non-Contract Constituencies have been allocated 5 regional (3-day) outreach trips. The specific processes and guidelines for how these resources are to be made available are set forth on the CROPP Program Elements Wiki page.

Need For Published Strategic Plans:

You’ll recall from our original April 26 email (and the follow-up June 16 email), that for FY16 eligibility for the CROPP program will depend on the ability of each participating ICANN structure (i.e., RALO, GNSO Constituency) to first create a brief, but clear, Outreach Strategic Plan explaining its FY16 outreach goals and planned expectations so that any selected CROPP activities can be coordinated with the appropriate ICANN Regional Engagement teams.

Please note that although DRAFT Trip/Event Proposals can be created at any time, no further action (e.g., travel booking) can be taken by staff until the Outreach Strategic Plan has been approved by the respective organization’s leadership, delivered to the appropriate Regional Engagement Vice-President, and published in the CROPP-FY16 Wiki Community Workspace.

Activity Election Pilot For GNSO Constituencies:

As explained in our previous emails, GNSO Constituencies will have the additional option, on a pilot basis for FY16, to select either (a) the five standard CROPP travel authorizations or (b) to host, co-host, or sponsor a targeted community Outreach/Engagement Event at one point during the fiscal year (US $10,000 target support limit). We have heard from some of you and Rob will be getting in touch with a number of you about exercising this option and we hope to hear from all of you about your community’s decision by the 30 September target date – if not before. 

CROPP Staff Mailing list:

To streamline the process for addressing and answering any questions about the program, we have established a new mailing address specifically for CROPP questions and concerns. Please email CROPP Staff support for any questions about the program by using our new mailing list: cropp-staff@icann.org to help us streamline communication and address your emails as soon as possible. This will be the fastest and most efficient way to get answers to any of your community questions.  Messages addressed to the CROPP email list get delivered simultaneously to Janice Douma Lange, Rob Hoggarth, Ken Bour, Benedetta Rossi and Ozan Sahin.

We look forward to our continued collaboration with you on this program during FY16!

Kind regards,



Benedetta Rossi
Senior Policy Coordinator, Community Engagement

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Email: benedetta.rossi@icann.org
Mobile: +33.610.38.27.02
Skype: benedetta.rossi.icann