Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Cheryl Langdon-Orr - ALAC chair see http://
This is a copy of the most recent disclosure document lodged by me to the GNSO
. The participant's current vocation, employer and position
I am (and have been since 1981) self employed in our family owned and operated business as a working Director Hovtek Pty Ltd., details of this including web links and about more about our related Company BuildersNet Pty Limited., are found on the aforementioned Wiki page...
. The type of work performed in the bullet above
A mix of Directors and day to day management and administration work typical in a micro or SME business.
. Identify any financial ownership or senior management/leadership interest in registries, registrars or other entities that are stakeholders or interested parties in ICANN or any entity with which ICANN has a transaction, contract, or other arrangement
I am a Director (elected Demand Class) of the Australian Domain Name Administrator, auDA
. Identify any type of commercial interest in ICANN GNSO policy development outcomes. Is the participant representing other parties?
I have no commercial interests I am a gTLD and ccTLD registrant... nor do I represent any commercially interested party in this WG I represent the ALAC.
. Describe any arrangements or agreements between the participant and any other group, constituency or person(s) regarding the participant's service as a participant in any ICANN policy making process.
As stated above in this WG, I represent the ALAC, but it should be noted that I am a founder of a National peak consumer interest group in Australia => the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) and served on the Australian Governments' Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy's Ministerial group formed to review options possibilities and form this national amalgamation of consumer interest voices including the general consumer disadvantaged, rural, disability and small business sectors, which created this organisations concept charter etc., and was part of the 4 person selection committee that selected the founding Board structure of ACCAN with Government observers... This NFP organisation has shown interest in involvement in GNSO Policy development WG's in the future and possibly in then NCSG and is in preliminary discussion with Consumers Union and other National and International similar peak body consumer interest groups to look at constituency status therein... Consumers Union is an ALS and ACCAN is planning on becoming one...
.Participants must update their Statements of Interest whenever their circumstances change.
The principal of Continuous Disclosure is totally supported by me, and a requirement in my auDA activities.