Action Items 27 November 2009

Action Items 27 November 2009

Participants: W. Ludwig, D. Greve, O. Crepin-Leblond, S. Bachollet, H. Jensen, P. Vande Walle,
Apologies: H. Ullrich
Staff: N. Ashton-Hart

  1. Staff has been asked to distribute an official announcement to the European ALSes about the availability of the EURALO Flyer both in printed copy and in digital format. ALSes are also encouraged to use it for outreach purposes and to ask for paper copies to be mailed to their destinations. The new version of the At-Large flyer has been requested by W. Ludwig, as well as to be mailed copies to R. Vansnick in Brussels.
  2. Follow up on the distributed by Staff list of contacts of the Fellowship program Participants in Seoul meeting – W. Ludwig to check whether the Gov. representatives from SEE countries are connected also with NGO organizations, which would be interested to form new ALSes.
  3. A. Muehlberg should be asked to outreach during the Chaos Computer Club event in Berlin at the end of December.
  4. The Monthly EURALO Secretariat Reports should be also announced to the Euralo-Discuss mailinglist.
  5. The question about Individual Users participation should be resolved at latest on the next EURALO GA meeting in Brussels. A discussion on the topic should be initiated on the mailing list, aiming at development of a draft resolution. This should also become an agenda item for the next teleconference.
  6. EURALO should start thinking in the next months for possible ALAC candidates, aiming at better gender parity both at ALAC and at the EURALO Board.
  7. Staff is asked to send a Doodle for the next EURALO call, aiming to go back to the normal (Tuesday) schedule. Proposal for the next call – early January.