Summary Minutes 17 January 2008
Minutes EURALO Board telefon conference 17th January 2008
(Time: one hour; beginning: 16:00 UTC)
By Annette Muehlberg
Co-Chair and Secretariat: Wolf Ludwig, Co-Chair: Jeanette Hofmann, Vittorio, Sébastien, Bill, Annette, Desiree (Bulgaria)
Christoph, Karen, Desiree (London)
Before the discussion started, it was decided that Annette Muehlberg takes the minutes of this telefon conference.
Proposed modified agenda by Wolf (on the basis of Sébastien’s proposal):
- Adoption of the Agenda
- ICANN@Paris - June 2008
- At-Large SummitThe Summit has a working group of At-Large worldwide which can be found at the Summit WG Wiki
- ICANN New Delhi, 10 - 15 February 2008: For RALO coordination worldwide
- EURALO Board - OC meeting 24 or 25 February 2008 in Geneva
- New gTLDs - projects from Europe
- Outreach for new ALS in Europe and Helsinki 2008
- Egeni Europe 2008 - 20 June in Paris - Some information by Sébastien
- JPA and NTIA
It has been decided, that the focus of the tel. conf. should be the discussion on an Internet Users Summit (IUS) in Paris, the other issues should be discussed online.
One issue has been added:
EURALO General Assembly at the Paris ICANN Meeting has to be organised. The election of the new EURALO Board should take place either at the ICANN Meeting in Paris or right after.
It has been decided, that this proposal of the Board should be sent to the ALSes for approval.
Discussion on a possible Summit of the Internet users in Paris:
It has to be clarified what this internet users summit is about:
An outreach meeting would not be enough, content is important!
Even if it is not clear yet if there will be funding by ICANN, it is totally clear, that that there will be no funding if there is no substantial planning
Issues of specific importance for European RALO members: New geo TLDs, Whois, accountability and transparency…;
-Come up with proposals for two or three topics for PANELS on crucial issues for individual internet users,
-Suitable space for discussions amongst the ALSes (in connection with panels),
Questions: Should we really (re-)start at zero? We should expect people from ALSes to know something about ICANN, shouldn´t we? Information for Newcomers or deeper discussions on individual internet users issues?
Expected target group: Newcomers as well as those, who already know a lot about ICANN and would like to get involved in the interest of internet users.
It would be helpful to have little articles/summaries on the issues already listed in the summit agenda (IDN, Whois, etc.) before the ICANN Meeting in Paris.
Combination of introduction and deeper discussion linked with working groups.
EURALO will make proposals concerning agenda and discusses these issues with those folks who have been working hard on the planning of the summit already. Some of us will get in touch with them in Delhi.
All participants of the tel. conf. of the EURALO Board support the project of an Internet Users Summit at the Paris Meeting.
EURALO members will work on the preparation together with other RALO-members at ICANN‘s Delhi Meeting.
Precondition for the general approval of an Internet Users Summit is:
The Summit is not only a sort of „Broadcasting event“, but is interactive instead and follows the approach of discussions and working groups.
It needs some stimulating issues, controversy, to frame it. Not just a „training excercise“.
The issues should not only be discussed by external experts giving presentations, but there should be discussion between the ALSes.
Aims: Outreach and establishing functioning working structures in the interest of internet users.
Several people volunteer for helping in the preparation.
Nick is going to add those who expressed interest on organisational committee:
Wolf, Jeanette, Annette, Bill as well as Rudi, Veronica and Wolfgang, who expressed their interest online (Sébastien is already on that list).
In preparation of the ICANN Paris Meeting, the EURALO Board and the European members of the Internet Users Summit organisational committee (OC) will try to meet in Geneva before the IGF-consultation at the end of February.
To find the date, Sébastien will conduct a Doodle-request and sets up the choice of Sunday or Monday (24. Or 25 Feb.) for the Geneva meeting. (He was so quick that I can add it even in these minutes :-D):
First draft for Geneva meeting has been sent out by Wolf.
The chair thanks everyone for this productive meeting. We are all looking forward for further discussion online.