Summary Minutes 24 March 2010

Summary Minutes 24 March 2010

Participants: Wolf Ludwig, Dessi Greve, Christopher Wilkinson, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Rudi Vansnick, Lutz Donnerhacke, Patrick Vande Walle, Yjro Lanispuro
Apologies: Adam Peake, Annette Muehlberg, Bill Drake, Sebastien Bachollet
Staff: Matthias Langenegger
2. Summary Minutes from 16 february 2009 are approved
3. Review of Action Items:
Wolf: Except Item 2, all other AI has been accomplished. Item 2 is our key item, we need to inform our ALSes asap about the At-Large Board Selection process
AI: inform ALSes about the At-Large Election process

4. Open Public Consultations

b) ALAC Statements are being prepared for the following consultations:
Proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Plan and Budget
As discussed in Nairobi, Wolf posted a proposal and summary of activities, including the preperation of the EURALO Showcase; the General Assembly in Brussels and Outreach in Latvia in September.

Patrick: I worked with Carlton and Adam on the draft ALAC Statement on WHOIS Accuracy. In conclusion, the procedure was not transparent enough, but the outcome is good.
With regard to IDNs, there is not much we can say on that as Europeans, it is mostly related to non-latin scripts, and 3-character scripts (generally scripts that are not alphabetical), so our Asian friends will hold the pen on this.

Olivier: IDNs are a concern for EURALO as well in particular because of the cyrillic script but I agree with Patrick that 3 letter characters are not our concern.

Rudi: only 4 ccTLDs are on the IDN fast track which is not enough.

5. Review of ICANN Conference in Nairobi
Wolf: ALAC had a good performance in Nairobi and I felt safe at all times. The atmosphere was great, with very productive meetings and discussions. ALAC performance was very good.

Olivier: I agree to what Wolf just said, I felt secure and it was a very hospitable environment. I wanted to thank Patrick for his work on the ALAC position on the Expression of Interest (EOI), which was a major issue in Nairobi. We also had new ALSes joining us during the Nairobi meeting.

Wolf: the AFRALO showcase in Nairobi was excellent and sparked new ALS interest. Аn excellent meeting with the new ALSes took place.

*6. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process*

Olivier: The ABSdt is still finalizing documents and does so with due diligence. It is crucial to be very careful and precise, because they will be turned into legal document. The docs will be reviewed by ICANN's legal department. We are a bit behind schedule but we are making good progress. The ABSc is renamed to At-Large Board Candidates Evaluation Committee (ABCEC).

Christopher: I wasn't quite clear where we stand in the process but it is now clear thanks to Olivier. Who takes the responsibility to convey this committee?

Matthias: Members will receive an invitation for the first meeting of the Evaluation Committee within the next few days.

Wolf: by the next EURALO call in April, we will have come up with a process to poll our ALSes on the Board Selection Process. I propose that we form a small WG to prepare this process. Up until now, me and Annette are in this WG. I would also like to ask Olivier to be part of this group. We need a small WG to prepare the communication.

AI: The WG on the EURALO poll on Board candidates will send out an email to the mailing list in the coming days to inform the ALS reps about the Board candidates Selection process.

Christopher: Veronica and me should also participate to this WG.

AI: Wolf will contact Veronica and inform her about the EURALO ALS poll for the Board candidate election.

7. EURALO Showcase Event Brussels
a) Create Working Group

Wolf: The event should be rather in the beginning of the Brussels conference, we have to think how to make it a major outreach event, not just a meeting of the ALS representatives, who are in Brussels. We should think who would we invite, what would be the program outline. We need a WG to egage in this issue and I suggest Rudi to lead the WG on the showcase event in Brussels.

Rudi: I have been in contact with the minister for telecommunications who might be coming to one of our meeting. If everything works out as planned, we will have 2 more ALS application (Portugal and Azerbajan) in Brussels.
Wolf: Can we try to have a rolling outline plan for the event and would you be willing to make the first draft?

Rudi: Of course, the final decision will be on Friday, and it will depend will we work a bit on his program, or we can make our own program.

Yjro: would like to be part of this WG and suggest Antti Peltomäki as one of the speaker at the showcase. (see http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/information_society/cv/peltomaki/index_en.htm
It will be good to have someone from the Commission to speak to our event.

EURALO Brussels Showcase Workging Group:
Chair: Rudi
Members: Wolf, Patrick, Yjro, Olivier, Dessi

AI: Creation of Euralo Showcase WG Wiki workspace. Staff and the WG will prepare a website for the EURALO showcase in Brussels

b) Draft Outline Plan and Budget

Wolf: A question to Matthias - I think there was a budget for the event in Nairobi

Matthias: There was a very limited budget fort eh Nairobi event, only for food and beverages at the Showcase event. I think it was in the range of 1000 USD. In terms of travel support for speakers, I don't think there was any budget for that purpose. Of course, EURALO could ask for travel support budget.

Wolf: We should look other potential sponsorship.

Christopher: We should go through the list of registered participants for the Brussels ICANN Meeting and identify potential speakers.

Dessi: What can we offer to potential sponsors?

Rudi: I had the chance to communicate in Nairobi with the ICANN event organizing staff, and I am still trying to schedule a meeting with ICANN Staff in Brussels, to see what is possible and affordable. Normally, there is no Budget available for this kind of activities outside of the budget allocated for the ICANN meetings. If we want to have some financial support, either we should find it ourselves from the possible sponsors we can find, or we can try to make a proposal for needed budget, but that should be done very quickly.

Wolf: perhaps we could offer a forum and reach to some of the .city gTLD proponents and ask them to sponsor our event

Rudi: I have been in contact with .eu but it is not quite clear whether it will be able to sponsor our event

AI: Rudi will follow up with .eu regarding their sponsorship efforts and inform EURALO about it
AI: Staff will send out a Doodle to have a meeting of the WG in two/three weeks time and set up wiki workspace for the showcase WG

8. ALAC Updates
Patrick: No further updates

9. Volunteers for Working Group on Vertical Integration PDP
No further responses from volunteers received, if someone want to participate, we are willing to nominate.

10. AOB
AI: EURALO will forward the replacement for Dessi for the Brussels meeting in the coming days
AI: Staff will follow up with Wolf regarding possible funding for a GA at the Brussels meeting