Summary Minutes 16 February 2010

Summary Minutes 16 February 2010

Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Adam Peake, Rudi Vansnik, Sébastien Bachollet, Annette Muehlberg, Patrick Vande Walle, Dessi Greve, Wolf Ludwig

Apologies: Bill Drake, Lutz Donnerhacke, Christopher Wilkinson

Staff: Matthias Langenegger

2. The summary minutes from the last meeting were approved.
3. Review of the Action Items from the last meeting – Action items approved, the agenda item Review of ICANN Policy Podcast on Redirection will be carried over to next meeting due to very big agenda for today's call.

*4. Open Public Comment Period*
Sebastien: noted there are a lot of new items added today on the ICANN's website which we needed to go through, but as for today's agenda priorities, it is better to concentrate on the current issues for EURALO. Patric: I am afraid At-Large will not be able to cover all the documents, so we need to make a choice which documents we want to comment on.

Adam:ALAC Statement on the New Consumers Constituency Petition and Charter – I was disappointed and rather objected the writing of the statement, however and email has gone on behalf of the ALAC, which says we encourage the Board to vote positively on the creation of a Constituency of the consumers. One of the EURALO ALS is a member – the Greek consumer organization. We are not formally supporting the Petition for the creation of Consumers constituency.

Wolf: We have 2 ALSes from the consumer constituency – the one in Greece and the one from Slovenia, but so far, after becoming ALSes they never were involved in any EURALO activities, never participate to GAs, never participated in a survey activities prior to the Summit, so I think they are not very strong in the movement of consumer activities.

5. Volunteer Review Team Member
We are asked to nominate a potential candidates from the EURALO Community who may be suggested to the Chairs of GAC and ICANN Board and than considered for the review team. We already have two names from EURALO side – Christopher Wilkinson, who declared himself ready to join this group, and Jeanette Hoffman.

Adam: seconds. We need to emphasize that it has to be very strongly external review, it has to be high level committee.

Sebastien: I agree that we need a strong committee. There will be very strong GAC representation and I am not sure we will be able to achieve the same strong engagement for our community. Knowing there will be the Chairs of GAC and ICANN Board, I am thinking we need to get our (ALAC) Chair on board too. But I am concerned about our choice of candidates, because there will be already someone ex- from the European Commission, and I am not sure we can afford to have two ex- EC people participating to the committee. Another question is how we handle all the candidates. This will be the task of ALAC next week. Annette: also supports the candidates.

Adam: I don't think the Chair (of ALAC) needs to be in this high profile committee, the chair generally has quite enough things to do. About the candidates, what we are doing is probably pushing their name in a general pool that comes from ALAC. At some point, if I understand correctly, the Chairs will look through this list of names, submitted from the all supporting organizations and advisory councils, and try to build a balanced group of knowledge and regional diversity.

Annette supports Adam.

Sebastien: Clarification – the process is supposed to be that people who are interested put their names, and than we as ALAC need to endorse or not endorse the candidacy.

Wolf: And finally the Chairs of GAC and ICANN Board will decide on the names. And I would prefer have more candidates than the positions announced.

AI: Wolf will contact J. Hoffman for official confirmation of her interest for the Committee, as she didn't submit official application.

6. EURALO Delegate to the NomCom 2010
Wolf: We were urgently asked to forward at least one name for ALAC candidate, who will be appointed by NomCom. After my email, finally I got a response from Lutz, who declared himself ready to be nominated by EURALO to the NomCom. The person would be selected by the NomCom in September. After short discussion it was clarified, the wording EURALO Delegate in the agenda item is not correct, as EURALO's delegate is Olivier. It should be NomCom selected ALAC member for EURALO.

Sebastien: We need to have a woman candidate.

Wolf: The preference of NomCom would be to have names which are known to the RALO, and who in the best case would be supported by EURALO.

Sebastien: We don't know if some candidates hadn't already expressed their interest directly, without informing EURALO. Plus we could have names for different positions. There are 3 seats from Europe, which will be on the NomCom's agenda to decide. I am candidate since the first NomCom process, and they need candidates to make decision, for that reason I will put my name again.

Olivier: The NomCom needs as many candidates as they can get, in order to make a selection. So if we can find good candidates not only from EURALO, but around us, we would serve our call and it would be helpful.

Wolf: On the NomCom website there are listed the positions asked candidates for. We have 2 names – Sebastien for the Board of Directors, and Lutz for the European ALAC position. We encourage more people to apply, especially aiming at regional and gender diversity. The deadline is 2*nd*of April.

7. Update on the At-Large Selection Board process
We already have our names for the Team and for the Selection committee.

Patric: We had a conference call earlier today, right now we are discussing the statements of interest. We will look how the NomCom has done similar processes and adapt it for the At-Large.

AI: Now it is urgent to start informing our ALSes for the Selection Process and we should do this in an adequate manner, in a clear way in order to help them understand the importance of this procedure and the importance of getting involved.

*8. Preparation of Nairobi Meeting*
EURALO is quite committed to participate to the Nairobi meeting, our ALAC representatives are asked to forward this to ALAC.
There is not going to be an EURALO conference call from Nairobi, due to unavailability of room. The proposed date for the next teleconference is 24 March 2010, Wednesday.

9. Update on the activities of the gTLD working group
Not much to report from the gTLD WG

10. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC
Everything has already been discussed

11. Update on the IGF open consultations in Geneva
Annette, Wolf, Bill and Wolfgang participated, the topics were reviews from the Scharm El Sheikh meeting, also preparations for the next EURODIG most probably at the end of April in Madrid. Annette and Christopher are involved in the development of the agenda.
EURODIG should be used for outreach activities.
There will be a session in Ipv6 and Olivier has been suggested as an expert from Euralo.

12. Review of ICANN Policy Podcast on Redirection
AI: the agenda item "Review of ICANN Policy Podcast on Redirection" will be carried over to next meeting.

13. Non-Lawyers' Guide to the 2009 RAA
ICANN recently produced a guide to ICANN's Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) written in an accessible language which tries to avoid legal jargon. You can find the Guide to the 2009 RAA under: http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-15feb10-en.htm

14. AOB
Dessi will no longer be able to travel for ICANN meetings, which rises the necessity to select another Secretary, preferably before the meeting in Brussels.