Summary Minutes 19 January 2010
Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Adam Peake, Rudi Vansnik, Sébastien Bachollet, Bill Drake, Vittorio Bertola, Yjro Lanispuro, Patrick Vande Walle, Dessi Greve, Christopher Wilkinson, Wolf Ludwig
Apologies: None
Staff: Matthias Langenegger
2. The summary minutes from the last meeting were approved.
3. Review of the Action Items from the last meeting – Action items are done.
4. Open Public Comment Period Patric reported from the Consultation for ICANN Strategic Planning.
Patrick: One of the current consultations is about the Expression of Interest Proposal which would allow sort of free registering ones interest in running TLD. Patrick gave detailed review on the goals and the current discussion on the EOI, asking interested EURALO members to participate with feedback.
5. ICANN Strategic Plan 2010 - 2013 - EURALO/ALAC contribution
Staff asked if EURALO would like to submit their own proposal – the regional position on the Strategic Plan in addition to the ALAC Draft Statement on the Strategic Plan, as the Public Comment Period is closing on Wednesday night.
Wolf and Sebastien expressed their opinions there is no need as EURALO to send separately our document as it is incorporated to the Statement.
Decision: EURALO will not send its position as addition to the ALAC Statement on the Strategic Plan. Any additional comment are welcome to be incorporated to the ALAC Draft sent them to the list or directly to Sebastien.
6. White Paper on the At-Large Director Process
There has been a long discussion on the topic.
Chistopher: I my point, which I have stated during the Community call before Christmas, the electorate should be the ALSes. I think it is appropriate the electorate would be the ALAC committee members themselves plus the RALO Chairs. This is too small electorate to represent the whole range of opinions. It would be a negative message to the ALSes that their position would be bypassed on a significant issue.
Wolf: As far as I recall our December call, there was no opinion from EURALO side to exclude the ALSes from the consultation process. And I wouldn't accept any role as a Chair on the basis of my personal opinions. I think it is a must to involve our ALSes to the selection process. And if it is not done at AT-Large level, I would suggest a separate consultation process at EURALO level.
Sebastien: Agrees with Wolf. It is important to have regional balance. For the secon round, me might have no time to consult the ALSes for the choice between 2-3 candidates. If we have a feedback of the total list of the first vote, we would know the voice of the ALSes, even if they are not voting.
Patrick: Suggests to have an election among the EURALO, which terminate the necessity the individual votes of the EURALO representatives.
Sebastien (to be totaly open) announced he will be candidate.
Bill is also concerned if a small group of people is making the decision. He would prefer strong participation of the ALSes. He would like to know how many of the ALSes are really engaged and participating.
Sebastien informed about the ABSdt and ABSC and that we should think of participants from EURALO for those committees.
For more details of the discussion, please refer to the recording.
Decision: We should try to activate and urge our ALSes for participation. ALS poll on EURALO level and Chair/ALAC members on RALO members (just as other RALOs). We should try everything, with the support of the Staff to get our ALSes involved in a consultation process.
AI – to start pinging the ALSes and informing them about the White Paper and the process.
7. EURALO outreach and events planning and Nairobi preparations
- Studienkreis Barcelona – Wolf, Yjro, Christopher and Bill will participate. Wolfgang is the main organizer. Unfortunately, EURALO brochures were not delivered to Wolf, so only At-Large brochures will be distributed.
- Christopher briefed shortly about the EURoDIG meeting
- Domain Pulse Meeting in Lucerne – unfortunately, Wolf will not be able to participate, due to a conflict of agenda. Wolfgang will probably participate and he will be asked to represent EURALO.
- Olivier already received his travel information and support for the Nairobi meeting.
8. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC
Sebastien: For the ICANN Review Panels 1 ALAC Representative will be selected for the panel, which will be selected by ICANN Chair of the Board and Chair of GAC. There should be volunteers to participate to one of the four review panels – please consider ad put your name on the list.
Due to the long discussion on agenda item 6 and lack of time, the meeting was closed.
AI: the agenda item Review of ICANN Policy Podcast on Redirection will be carried over to next meeting.