Summary Minutes 09 December 2008
Participants: R Vansnick, W Ludwig, A Peake, S Bachollet
Apologies: A Danciu, A Muehlberg, P Vande Walle, A Drake
Staff: N Ashton-Hart, M Langenegger, MH Bouchoms
W Ludwig was designated Chair of the meeting.
Meeting minutes of the last meeting
The summary minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Find a suitable slot for the monthly EURALO meeting
S Bachollet will help Staff to set up a Doodle for a new time slot for the monthly EURALO meeting. The suggested slots will be on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Tuesday of the Month. (see
Update on the latest Summit Activities (W Ludwig)
W Ludwig gave a short review on the latest summit activities.
Staff noted that the new questionnaire would only be sent to those ALSes who sent a response to the first questionnaire. He said that it would be an online questionnaire, which asks for all the information necessary to go ahead with the bookings.
There was some discussion on the application process for the summit participants.
S Bachollet suggested that all the EURALO ALSes be invited to the next EURALO to involve them more closely in the process.
A Peake agreed and thought that this should be proposed to the other regions, as well. With regards to the posters, which were being discussed earlier, Adam reiterated that each ALS should produce at least a one-page summary of their activities.
A Peake asked if there was an outreach towards other ICANN communities and noted that there was some discussion about that among the ICANN community at the IGF.
The staff noted that some outreach activities were planned but that he wanted to await the final number of participants.
Report on the EuroDIG
W Ludwig gave a short summary of the EuroDIG in Strasbourg. He was satisfied with the efficient and timely preparations and the spirited discussions at the meeting. He added that it a decision was made that EURALO would participate at the EuroDIG in 2009.
Report on the Cairo Meeting
S Bachollet said that he attended a feedback meeting for Cairo participant. The general tone among the participants, among the disappointment with the Public sessions, was that not enough statements and decisions were being made. Further, it was difficult to organize ad-hoc meetings because the meeting venue made it difficult to ‘run into people’.
A Peake noted that there were some complaints about the lack of output from At-Large and suggested to prepare agendas, documents and some talking points well in advance for the next meeting.
S Bachollet noted that EURALO needed to work at the regional level to prepare documents for the Mexico meeting. There was general agreement with Sebastien’s remarks.
Report on the IGF
A Peake, who was a staff member at the IGF Secretariat in Hyderabad, noted that the terrorist attacks had a important effect on the IGF and kept many participants from travelling to the meeting venue. On the plus side, the IGF model seems to have spread around the globe. There is now a French and a West African IGF, among many others. Apart from that, Adam thought that the discussions were ‘robust’, which was seen by many as a sign of maturity of the IGF.
R Vansnick will help to organize a workshop on cyber crime in Mexico and will prepare a draft program for the summit call on Friday.
Next EURALO Call
S Bachollet noted that the next call should be 90 minutes and stressed the importance of greater involvement from the EURALO Board. There was general agreement with Sebastien’s statement.
W Ludwig added that all European ALSes would be invited to the next call.
The teleconference was then concluded.
Re: Summit
I'd suggest a short briefing of the current status of Summit preparations before the next EURALO teleconference, so that the ALSes would have a general picture for their further/deeper involvement.
Q: I didn't understand what was ment in the last sentence of the Summit section by the planning of outreaching activities being hindered by "awaiting the final number of participants" ?
Adela Danciu (APTI Romania)
contributed by on 2008-12-11 09:21:27 GMT
Dear all, Is there any possibility to participate in such teleconferences? I am not sure if I can be connected via phone, or maybe I can, but I don't know how, can anyone help me for the next meeting? Or maybe I do not have the right to participate in it? Thanks for advice!!! And have a wonderful holidays
contributed by on 2008-12-23 07:04:54 GMT
Ooops, I didn't know that my name will not be seen. This is Siranush from Armenia, hope you remember me
contributed by on 2008-12-23 07:06:27 GMT