Minutes 27 November 2009

Minutes 27 November 2009

Participants: W. Ludwig, D. Greve, O. Crepin-Leblond, S. Bachollet, H. Jensen, P. Vande Walle,
Apologies: H. Ullrich
Staff: N. Ashton-Hart

1. Roll Call and apologies
See above for details. Chairman noted that quorum has not been reached, but the essence of the teleconference will not include voting or taking important decisions, for which quorum would be necessary.
2. Review of Summary Minutes of 28 October 2009
Minutes have been carried out and approved.

3. Review of Action Items 28 October 2009

  • point 1 – Sebastien's proposal for 1 ALS per country, in the context of R. Vansnick's presentation in Seoul and the suggestion for inclusion in EURALO's Strategy is approved.
  • Improvement and production of the EURALO flyer – has been produced in a professional way and presented at IGF in Egypt. EURALO Community is very pleased and thanking the Staff involved in the process. Flyer will be distributed further at the “ICANN Studienkreis” in Barcelona in January 2010. Please refer to the Action Items from the teleconference for more details.
  • Following up the contacts with the participants from the Fellowship to help them organize an ALS - Please refer to the Action Items from the teleconference for more details.
  • In regards with the Nairobi meeting, S. Bachollet urges Eligible for travel grants EURALO members to announce their availability and intention to participate to the meeting. EURALO needs to do its best to help O. Crepin-Leblond to participate to that meeting, due to his excellent contributions and work for the At-Large community. Sebastien will forward to the ExeCom that Olivier's activities are supported by EURALO and will discuss the issue of possibilities to bring him to the Nairobi meeting.

4. Open Public Comment Periods
Sebastien informed that there were conference calls on the Board review and NomCom Review, to which Sebastien and Adam participated and it showed involvement from Europe. Other ongoing topics are in the scope of Patric's and Olivier's activities, such as the New gTLD Applicants Guide Book and subsidiary work we have to do on the right protection mechanisms.
Please refer to the recording for more details.

Proposed Agenda Items:

1. Feedback from the Seoul Meeting
Most of the feedback has been done during the previous teleconference from Seoul. Some of the important issues were:

  • IDN has been pushed out, that was a milestone in the history of ICANN and very important for the future of Internet.
  • The constituencies (NCUC and NCSG) discussing Trademark Issues were working in a very productive way.

W. Ludwig shared with the participants on the call, that after the Mexico Summit this was one of the most productive ICANN meetings he had participated.

2. Feedback from the IGF

H. Jansen has been participating in Social issues tracks of the meeting, her comment is the Development Agenda is still not pushed enough at IGF, women's rights too. What has been for the last 3 year on the agenda is the child protection issues. There was a big discussion on whether IGF is useful and in which respect, as the mandate is over soon.

Olivier briefed the the general impression of the participants was that it was the most successful IGF so far. There were few sessions dealing with IPv6 and in that regards there was a person proposing to be introdused some kind of competition among regional internet registries and ICANN's CEO reacted. His reaction did not reflect very well on the actual ICANN's handling of the case, and he was left to answer questions to which he was not 100% sure. Most of the sessions are available filmed or audio on the UN website.

The ICANN booth was nicely organized, would have been be nice if there were an ICANN representative to do outreach.

W. Ludwig asked what was the mainstream opinion about the potential continuation of the IGF mandate, especially in the sense of the survey prepared by Diplo Foundation. Olivier and Heike informed, that the general moods are in favour of prolongation of the IGF with some changes in the format. China doesn't want to continue with the IGF, suggesting formats where governance have more control. Also resistance from the Developing countries.

Please refer to the recording for more details.

3. At-Large Implementation Outline- next steps
We have a long list of items and actions to discuss. We really need to be involved in participate actively, for example in the process of selection a At-large Board Director. Nick's new role could helps us have new ideas how to do outreach. All this is outlined in this document and we can check there where we are.

4. Process to select the At-Large Voting Board Director
The Chairman is urging EURALO members to record their participation abilities in the active doodle for planning the next discussion with ALAC on the Process to select the At-Large Voting Board Director.

5. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Sebastien, Adam and Patrick)
Most of the points had been highlighted already. There is another issue going on about the Policy Development Process within the ccNSOfor the IDN ccTLDs.

We elected 4 members for the ExCom, the fifth member comes from Africa – we had a missing region and we decided to be Africa. Hawa for the moment is still with ALAC but she also will be one of the GAC representatives for her country.

Olivier will send the last version of the document about Special Trademark Interest discussion.

  1. EURALO Outreach a. EURALO Flyer - 2009 We finally have our main instrument for outreach, we are all very satisfied with the way it looks. PDF versions of the tri-fold EURALO flyer and the At-Large flyer are uploaded at the wiki. Please refer to the Action Items from the teleconference for more details b. Regional Events - feedback and planning Our next regional event is the Barcelona ICANN Studienkries, Wolf will update the page. Wolf will participate in the meeting organized by DENIC, NIC.AT and SWITCH in February in Luzern. Also the Consumer Rights event in Brussels in December – Rudi will participate. Also in December is the CCC event in Berlin, Annette will participate. Please refer to the Action Items from the teleconference for more details.

7. Brief overview on the restructuring of the At-Large website
A short introduction of the new functionality and logic behind the website has been given by D. Greve. Overall feedback from the community is very positive, users are very satisfied with the new navigation.http://www.atlarge.icann.org/

A discussion has been triggered on how EURALO should frame the participation of Individual Internet Users in ICANN. We should start discussing this issue, examining working examples – for instance NARALO policy for participation of individual users. During the EURALO GA in Brussels a decision should be reached.

Sebastien added that this should be done beforehand the election of the ALAC Board Member (it is not clear when that election will take place). It would be better if we could do this before the meeting in Brussels. We might make a single topic conference call on that issues. Please refer to the Action Items and the recording from the teleconference for more details.

8. Any other Business

Heike Jensen: During IGF fork with the European subconstituency, we were alerted that the EU is going to work on the new I-2-10 with the next Presidency (after Sweden) that might be interesting to some of us who want to input into that. Haike is asked to post details on the mailing list.

Sebastien: We need to work on the future candidate to be involved in ALAC, especially taking into account stronger women participation and better gender parity.

_Please refer to the Action Items from the teleconference for more details._