Summary Minutes 21 April 2009

Summary Minutes 21 April 2009

Summary Minutes of 21 April 2009 EURALO Teleconference

1. Participants: D. Greve, V.Bertola, W. Ludwig, H. Jensen, A. Peake, S. Bachollet, O. Crepin-Leblond, A. Muelhberg

Apologies:*H. Ullrich, P. Vande Walle, B. Drake, L. Donnerhacke

2. Review of the Summary minutes from 17.03.2009

A. Peake sent an email prior to the meeting, clarifying his understanding on Applicant Guidebook and ALAC Review (see below)

3. Open Public comment Period

> · Proposed Framework for ICANN's FY10 Operating Plan and Budget

W. Ludwig informed the statement drafted by V. Bertola has been forwarded and now it is published as EURALO statement.

S. Bachollet received an answer from the staff on the EURALO's operational plan and budget, he considers controversial to the initially required planning request. This needs to be discussed ASAP.

W. Ludwig received from the staff a document called “Framework for FY10 Budget Clarification on the relationship between ICANN's Operating Plan and Strategic Plan” and had been asked for comments. A. Muelhberg note that in case those document and communication are official Staff statements, they should be sent to the Euralo discussion list.

Adam Peake in relation to the budget issues informed that ALAC review now have a deadline of April 30th, and one of the points is what the review working group is recommending quite a bit of things the At-Large should be doing. A lot of those items need resources of one kind or another. ALAC review is recommending broad programs of work without giving the specifics, which might lead to a situation where the At-Large is asked to do work, but the budget process won't allow to work to start for months.

Action item: S. Bachollet will forward the answer from the Staff to the Board members for discussion.

  • W. Ludwig will forward to the Board the document “Framework for FY10 Budget Clarification on the relationship between ICANN's Operating Plan and Strategic Plan” for discussion and comments.
  • A. Peake or somebody should read through the ALAC Review recommendation for such examples of budget failures.
  • New gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook, Version 2 (V2)

A. Peake has sent an email to the Euro-discuss list clarifying there was a misunderstanding in being assigned to work on this issue, as he was not following the topic closely. Meanwhile, the ALAC has just voted to support a statement on the guidebook developed from the Summit WG statement (https://st.icann.org/working-groups/index.cgi?at_large_gtld_working_group_statement_on_applicant_guidebook_v2) and all voted in favour.

> · ALAC Review WG Draft Final Report

A. Peake clarifies drafting a statement was not the task he volunteered for, but that he would summarize changes from earlier reports and hightlight issues for possible comments, time permitting.

  • EURALO Working Program

The draft document is available here: EURALO_work-tool v1 2 (2).doc

W. Ludwig made a resumed overview of the document. Main points:

  • We want to create an online working tool for EURALO in order to progress our work, add new ideas and new projects;
  • Create a map of the existing certified ALSs;
  • List of the members and identify target consumer organizations, other ISOC chapters, user groups, privacy advocacy, internet user groups, open access initiatives, free software supporters, etc. list and map those organization across Europe and assign a responsible person who will contact those groups and potential new ALSes;
  • Participation in ICANN related subjects and defining the priorities for EURALO, as we may not have the capacity to follow them all. Some of the potential EURALO issues are new gTLDs, DNSsec, Privacy and Whois, Ipv6, Transparency and Accountability, Internet Rights and Principles. List of priorities to be continued, comments are welcome.

S.Bachollet proposed to link Transparency and Accountability issues with the work of the WG2 on PSC document.

A. Muelhberg asked if there was already an official draft of the Presidential committee statement. We should add on to it.

S. Bachollet informed the first draft of the Intellectual Property and New gTLDs WG is to be due on 24 April. Still trying to organize a conference call for all who signed to participate to this discussion at the At-large level. Work is continuing to get general comment on version 2 of the Guidebook, on which there is already an agreement by ALAC.

Action item: We need to follow up on the work of this Working Group. Sebastien will inform EURALO on the ongoing developments.

  • More outreach activities – mailing list, etc.
  • Listing of events where we can outreach:
  • there will be IGF consultation in May and in September in Geneva, W. Ludwig will cover;
  • European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), September, Geneva;
  • IGF in Germany, in autumn 09 (Wolfgang and Annette);

>> - Possibly seminars and hearings organized by the Council of Europe;
>> - ISOC events;
>> - Trans-Atlantic Consumers Dialogue 7 – 10 of June in Brussels, if there is no ICANN funding for participation, W. Ludwig will not be in a position to participate, but might be followed up by Rudi Vansnick;
>> - ICANN Studienkreis in Barcelona 15/16 October 2009, W. Ludwig has been asked to participate, and this is part of our working budget already;
>> - Giganet at 11 of May in Brussels (Heike might manage to participate and follow up).

S.Bachollet comments on how to improve involvement and participation of already certified member ALSes – we need to build on the success of the Summit and to push them to participate further.

We definitely need a tools to make our work visible and to show issues which are interesting for users and consumers.

S.Bachollet: We were supposed to have a completely new tool for collaborative work since months, this issue has been discussed at the last ALAC meeting. There is a big delay and it is still not clear when that tool will be implemented.

W.Ludwig asks EURALO reps. at the next ALAC call (28.04.05) to bring up and discuss the huge delay in per-diem reimbursements from Mexico meeting. Several EURALO participants still have not received their reimbursement.

W.Ludwig: We need to push on the development of a suitableEURALO hand out. We need to start drafting the text and a collaborative work on it.

Action item: Forward to the Euro-discuss list a draft (if there is any) on the Presidential committee statement. Follow up and keep informed on the work and development of the new gTLDs WG. (Sebastien)

  • Follow up from the ALAC call next week on the status of the tool and when it is expected to be in use. (A. Peake). Staff should inform what is happening with the workspace issue.
  • Reimbursement complaints should be included to the agenda of the next ALAC call. ALAC should negotiate with ICANN how this could be improved in the future.
  • We need a volunteer to start drafting the texts for the EURALO handout/leaflet!

4. Pending ALS applications
W. Ludwig is asking for feedback on the received ALS applications from Europe (Spain and France) in order to prepare EURALO positions and recommendations.

Action items: Sebastien will give feedback on the applications until the end of the week.

5. Sydney meeting
W. Ludwig informed there is already a draft schedule for the Sydney meeting at http://syd.icann.org/sched-overview . Our ALAC representative will participate (Adam, Patrick and Sebastien) plus Dessi and Rudi. W. Ludwig apologises for not being able to participate due to complete overload with work. We will further discuss the preparations for the Sydney meeting at our next call in May.

Recent activities of ALAC
S. Bachollet informed about the continuous work on IDN and recent troubles with election of the Chair in LACRALO.

A. Peake informed the Board that he volunteered to join a working group to draft a set of performance indicators for ALAC members and liaisons and asked for comments (further information in the email from Apr 21 2009 to Euro-discuss list).
April 09

Minutes taken by Dessi Greve (on the basis of the call recording?)

The item "A. Peake clarifies drafting a statement was not the task he volunteered for, but a summary of changes from earlier reports and hightlight issues for possible comments. Work in progress."

What I said was:
A. Peake, clarifying an action item from the March 17 meeting, said he did not agree to draft a statement, but would try to prepare a summary of changes from earlier reports and hightlight issues for possible comments. Work in progress.

Hope the minutes can be changed to reflect this. Thanks, Adam

contributed by ajp@glocom.ac.jp on 2009-05-20 14:41:13 GMT