4. WS2 CCG Action Items
4. WS2 CCG Action Items
21 February 2023
- Members to review survey documents with their community groups and enter comments or suggestions
- Diversity Survey V.0: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X3WybTMu6ShXnTf0ayURme-zc2cTmgzvf25yPt6M420/edit
- Diversity Survey - Perceptions v.0: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18e4iLYeWkMO7Z8DhnXH5jeTux-CZZXfYJORDl6_12LQ/edit
4 August 2022
- Staff to draft footnote text reflecting the discussions regarding Physical Disability.
12 July 2022
- ICANN staff to draft text reflecting the agreements from the call
- ICANN staff to analyze Recommendation 1.1 for definitions and other guidance
- Each CCG member to discuss with their group, and bring back to the CCG, gaps and challenges the group may have with either understanding or implementing any of the seven agreed elements
05 May 2022
- Members to work with their community groups regarding WS2 diversity recommendation 1.1.
04 April 2022
- Staff to initiate discussion on the topics below via the ws2-ccg@icann.org mailing list. Those who could not attend are asked to provide input on the following:
- Role and input of observers. Attendees agreed that alternates and observers should be able to join and participate on calls (subject to any internal requirements from their respective appointing groups).
- Chair. Attendees agreed that designation of a chair is not necessary at this time. Topic leads can be appointed on an “as needed” basis and the group can revisit the question of a Chair if the need arises.
- Call times. Attendees agreed to keep Tuesday, 13-14 UTC as a one of two rotating meeting times. The second (rotating) time remains to be determined (likely via a Doodle poll).
- Frequency of calls. Attendees agreed to have an initial call frequency of once a month, with proposed agendas circulated by staff two weeks prior to a meeting if possible.
- Progress reports. Attendees agreed that the group should prepare periodic progress reports.
- Sequence of work. Attendees did not have any concern with the proposal to begin the group’s discussions with Recommendation 1.1 (diversity elements).