Ombudsman Subgroup & IOO Review Team Meeting
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Charla Shambley, Lars Hoffmann, Yvette Guigneaux
Apologies: Herb Waye
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
IOO subteam
11 March 2017 (time TBD)
Notes (including relevant parts of chat):
6 participants at start of call including Asha Hemrajani and Debra Russel and Phil Khoury (sp)(vendor).
Roll Call / Apologies – Welcome
Sebastien Bacholllet - this is an additional call to have an exchange with the vendor selected for the ICANN Ombudsman Review.
ICANN Ombuds Office review
Meeting between Cameron Ralph LLC & IOO subteam
Presentation – Q&A
Sebastien Bachollet - presentation of background material on WS2 and Ombudsman sub-group.
Debra Russel - Background on vendor (presenting slide). PK more familiar with ICANN indirectly given past work with AuDA. Looking forward to meeting everyone in Copenhagen at ICANN 58.
Sebastien Bachollet - Comment to be mindful of Australian accent. We have some questions:
-Your understanding of the mission?
- Your vision of the time line?
-How you want to interact with us?
Farzaneh Badi - have they been briefed on the ICANN structure and ecosystem and if they need more information.
Debra Russel - our understanding of the task - we had a meeting by phone yesterday - 2 tracks - evaluate how the ombudsman is doing and the second track is to look at the additional functions that have been proposed to see if they are appropriate for an ombudsman. We have begun our reading to understand WS2.
Phil Khoury - at this stage we only have a theoretical understanding of the objectives and are looking forward to the interviews in Copenhagen to better understand them. One of the questions we will be asking is about the balance between those two as well as challenges going forward. Looking forward to a draft report for the end of March and a final in mid-April. Think we can deliver a meaningful report in that timeframe - this may change as we get into it - but not for now.
Sebastien Bachollet - re interacting with us - do you want us to setup specific meetings in Copenhagen, participate in our weekly calls.
Debra Russel - best to participate in weekly meetings after Copenhagen to avoid requesting other calls.
Farzaneh Badii: Thanks Seb. I also want to know their interview method and how they would like to choose their interviewees
Asha Hemrajani - (introduction) - wanted to ask about your work methodology - mentioned you have reviewed 16 ombuds teams - what are your general areas of reform? - re surveys etc. how do you select those you wish to question? Have you worked on cases where you have recommended that the Obuds function should be expanded?
Phil Khoury - we want to understand what the ombuds is achieving and what are the expectations - then we would map it against an international standard - then we would look at things that are special. (Listing past recommendations) - we have recommended more powers for the ombudsman in certain cases - but we try to frame all recommendations vs what is a fair and reasonable ombudsman. ICANN seems to have a combination of an internal and external ombudsman.
Farzaneh Badii: I think the important issue is also the unique governance structure of ICANN itself that has a lot of impact on the ombudsman design we have worked on the issues of accessibility for many years (online access etc) I think what is important is to look at the design of the ombuds office and see if it can uphold the values of efficiency , independence and other values. ( my opinion)
Debra Russel - there is a balance between getting a decisions that is fair and in a short time
Phil Khoury - a common expansion of an ombudsman function we have recommended often is widening the accessibility to a wider public and allowing them to make recommendations on systemic matters vs single cases. for our interviews, we ask for a stakeholder map.
Farzaneh Badii - (presents the points she made in the chat as listed above). We could ask the community about participating in their surveys and interviews.
Asha Hemrajani - thanks Phil and Debra - last question on previous recommendations - do you look at mediation? do you recommend it be included or excluded.
Debra Russel - have reviewed schemes where mediation is included - and have experience on this. Do not remember having recommended mediation in a place where it was not existing already.
Phil Khoury - we have recommended the expansion of mediation - its about the right mix.
Sebastien Bachollet - Looking forward to discuss with you in Copenhagen. Next topic was to discuss documents and wanted to ensure you have the Draft report of the group, the draft glossary and the New Mechanisms document. Would ask staff to ensure you have these.
Action item: Staff to provide Draft report of the group, the draft glossary and the New Mechanisms documents to evaluators.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):thanks so much for taking the time to introduce yourselves and answer our questions... it is greatly appreciated... I look forward to working with you both, and in meeting up with you in CPH... bye for now...
Next meeting
F2F meeting in Copenhagen 11 March 2017 (time TBD)
- F2F meeting in Copenhagen 11 March 2017 (time TBD)
Action Items:
- Staff to provide Draft report of the group, the draft glossary and the New Mechanisms documents to evaluators.
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux: Welcome all to the WS2 - Ombudsman Subgroup & IOO Review Team Meeting | 08 MAR 17 @ 05: 00 UTC!
Yvette Guigneaux: Please note this meeting is being recorded - kindly mute your phone if not speaking. To unmute - press *6 (star 6)
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: Very quiet Sebastien
Alberto Soto: Hi, sorry to be late,
Yvette Guigneaux: Hi Alberto, no worries, welcome
Alberto Soto: Thanks!
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: time check - 30 minutes left in call
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): sorry dropped connection as I arrived home and switched to land-line and WiFi
Farzaneh Badii: Thanks Seb. I also want to know their interview method and how they would like to choose their interviewees
Farzaneh Badii: I think the important issue is also the unique governance structure of ICANN itself
Farzaneh Badii: that has a lot of impact on the ombudsman design
Farzaneh Badii: we have worked on the issues of accessibility for many years (online access etc) I think what is important is to look at the design of the ombuds office and see if it can uphold the values of efficiency , independence and other values. ( my opinion)
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: time check - 15 minutes left in call
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: last minute of call
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): thanks so much for taking the time to introduce yourselves and answer our questions... it is greatly appreciated... I look forward to working with you both, and in meeting up with you in CPH... bye for now...
Farzaneh Badii: : ) Thanks Seb. I ll be there in spirit
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): safe travels
Alberto Soto: Thanks, bye!!
avri doria: bye all, safe travels.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: bye all
Farzaneh Badii: bye everyone
Asha Hemrajani: Thank you all. Safe travels