SO/AC Meeting #8 (6 Oct @ 13:00 UTC)

SO/AC Meeting #8 (6 Oct @ 13:00 UTC)


Sub-group Members:   Alan Greenberg,  Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christian Dawson, Farzaneh Badii, Greg Shatan, Herb Waye, Isaac Maposa, Jorge Villa, Julf Helsingius,  Mary Uduma, Matthew Shears, Olga Cavalli, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Sebastien Bachollet, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Steve DelBianco.  (16) 

Observers: Taylor RW Bentley. (1)

Staff:  Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry, Lars Hoffmann, Yvette Guigneaux.  (5)

Apologies:  Avri Doria

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **




1. Call Admin, roll call, apologies 
2. Welcome-Opening Remarks 3. Review (brief) of last call #7held on Sept22nd and any Action Items
Business Arising: ACTION ITEM-
Group to propose and place draft questions in Google Docs/wiki page for the group to review at next meeting 
4. Discussion Topic
Review and Discussion on Draft text of questions for current version of comments at meeting time. Discussion of Update and progress reporting for Hyderabad  see Standard Form of Reporting  <slide attached>  and tracking document / report... What can we share with CCWG at Hyderabad Meeting?  
5. AOB 
6. Next Meeting 13Oct @ 1900 UTC 


1. Review (brief) of last call #7 held on Sept 22nd and any Action Items Business Arising:

Group to propose and place draft questions in Google Docs/wiki page for the group to review at next meeting 

Discussion of the draft questions contained in the Google Doc at:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xigRIH7gE8NXEf6I0asyM6rUbGmbzHFcy0RGUZA84RY/edit?usp=drive_web[docs.google.com]

Review of the comments that have been submitted to date, will accept the grammar corrections, will focus on substantive comments. Request that members consider adding additional comments.

Review of specific comments that were added to the draft questions:

Rosalia Morales
As a first question I would ask the Chair to specify their respective designated community¨ their SO/AC serves to make sure we are all talking about the same thing.

Giovanni Seppia
-What are the published policies and procedures by which your SO/AC is accountable to the designated community that you serve, including include procedures to encourage participation by that designated community, and transparency about your SO/AC deliberations, decisions, eligibility, and elections? Please include link where they can be consulted
- Were these policies and procedures updated over the past decade? If so, could you clarify if they were updated to respond to specific community requests/concerns?
- Do your SO/AC have mechanisms by which your members can challenge or appeal decisions and elections? Please include link where they can be consulted.
- Do your SO/AC maintain unwritten policies that are relevant to this exercise? If so, please describe as specifically as you are able.
To the extent that there are multiple stakeholder groups or constituencies in your SO/AC, please forward this request accordingly.

Greg Shatan
- Does this refer to the actual members of a given SO/AC/SG/C/RALO or to the global community? Shouldn't this be differentiated? Being accountable to membership is not the same thing as being accountable to, e.g., all Internet end users or all ISPs.
- To the extent that there are multiple stakeholder groups or constituencies in your SO/AC, please forward this request accordingly.
It's not clear from this question whether the individual stakeholder groups and constituencies are expected to answer this question with regard to (a) the SO or AC as a whole, (b) the particular stakeholder group or constituency, or (c) other stakeholder groups and constituencies within that SO, or more than one of the above. This needs to be clear before this goes out.
- More fundamentally, it's not clear to me that individual SG/C/RALO etc. accountability falls into the remit of this Subgroup.

ACTION ITEM: Rapporteurs to update the Google Doc so the Participants can continue to make comments on the draft questions so they can be review at the next session of the group.

2 Discussion Topic
Review and Discussion on Draft text of questions for current version of comments at meeting time. Discussion of Update and progress reporting for Hyderabad  see Standard Form of Reporting  <slide attached>  and tracking document / report... What can we share with CCWG  at Hyderabad Meeting?  

- Discussion of presenting a progress report in Hyderabad CCWG meeting.and the report template.
Proposal for reporting - proposal to develop two tracks
While waiting for responses to Questions, start track on IRP reporting. Suggestion to go through precious reports and update questions that had been identified for the report and update the details that the group has discussed and has responses for the report. Will start a fresh powerpoint to capture the groups work and progress on its topic.

Also need to consider specific questions that the Plenary should consider in the afternoon of the meeting in Hyderabad for inclusion in the report.

3. AOB - No other business
Noted: that the next meeting will focus on the staff paper.

Documents Presented

Chat Transcript

Brenda Brewer: Brenda Brewer: Welcome all to SO/AC Accountability Subgroup Meeting #8 on 6 October @ 13:00 UTC!

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: Still in another ICN call atm

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: ICANN

Olga Cavalli: Hi Cheryl, hi Brenda,for how long is this call scheduled?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: 60 min

Olga Cavalli: grat thanks

Herb Waye Ombuds: Good day everyone

Rinalia Abdul Rahim: hi everyone

Julf Helsingius: Hi!

Rinalia Abdul Rahim: great audio

Julf Helsingius: Sounds good

Farzaneh Badii: Hi sorry

Farzaneh Badii: :) had the wrong link bookmarked!

Farzaneh Badii: no thanks sorry I might have audio problem :) give me a sec please

Farzaneh Badii: I can't hear anything. is it me?

Julf Helsingius: I had to reconnect too

Alan Greenberg: Yup, I was disconnected

matthew shears: still here (I think)

Herb Waye Ombuds: yes the disconnect has cut me out about 6 times so far today and the same thing happened yesterday during a meeting

Yvette Guigneaux: Our apologies eveyrone - the room just went down completely with no warning

Karen Mulberry: I am sorry about the problems, we are reporting everything to the tech folks so the issues can be resolved

matthew shears: agree with Rosalie's addition

matthew shears: sorry Rosalia

matthew shears: + 1 Steve

Farzaneh Badii: ICANN bylaws: 4.4 (a) .... (iii)whether that organization, council or committee is accountable to its constituencies, stakeholder groups, organizations and other stakeholders

matthew shears: I thiink nwe are going to have to leave some discretion to the SOs and ACs on this rather than being presriptive while noting the defintion text from Farzi

Farzaneh Badii: Cheryl, when SO/ACs are responding to questions we should start another track of work . Whether SO/AC should be subject to IRP perhaps

matthew shears: + 1 to starting another track - need to move forward and not wait on responses to questions

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: We can go back to the Agenda

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: We probably need to list our mandste clesrly in Hyderabd update and list where we are in any discussions to reach those gols

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: goals

matthew shears: + 1 Cheryl

matthew shears: If we make a start on one of other tracks that would at least give an additional reporting element for Hyd

Greg Shatan: Apologies that my audio only participation was not really successful. I did hear that you were discussing comments I made to the SOAC Questions document. I'll try to weigh in on the list or in the document, after I see how the overall discussion advanced.

Greg Shatan: Somehow, walking through the streets of New York, past a construction site, road work an ambulance, into the subway and out through Grand Central Terminal was not conducive to full participation.

Greg Shatan: Thank you for considering my comments in my quasi-absence.

Farzaneh Badii: we can work on this : Track 4: Assess whether the IRP would also be applicable to SO and AC activities.

Farzaneh Badii: Thanks Greg

matthew shears: + 1 Farzi

matthew shears: perhaps we could work on building out the works plans for the tracks?

Julf Helsingius: Thank you Cheryl and everybody!

Greg Shatan: Bye all!

Mary Uduma: Bye All

Farzaneh Badii: we can do that Matt. that;s a good idea. bye all

Rinalia Abdul Rahim: thanks all

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: Bye all Thank you

Sivasubramanian M: bye all

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: Still in another ICN call atm

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: ICANN

Olga Cavalli: Hi Cheryl, hi Brenda,for how long is this call scheduled?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: 60 min

Olga Cavalli: grat thanks

Herb Waye Ombuds: Good day everyone

Rinalia Abdul Rahim: hi everyone

Julf Helsingius: Hi!

Rinalia Abdul Rahim: great audio

Julf Helsingius: Sounds good

Farzaneh Badii: Hi sorry

Farzaneh Badii: :) had the wrong link bookmarked!

Farzaneh Badii: no thanks sorry I might have audio problem :) give me a sec please

Farzaneh Badii: I can't hear anything. is it me?

Julf Helsingius: I had to reconnect too

Alan Greenberg: Yup, I was disconnected

matthew shears: still here (I think)

Herb Waye Ombuds: yes the disconnect has cut me out about 6 times so far today and the same thing happened yesterday during a meeting

Yvette Guigneaux: Our apologies eveyrone - the room just went down completely with no warning

Karen Mulberry: I am sorry about the problems, we are reporting everything to the tech folks so the issues can be resolved

matthew shears: agree with Rosalie's addition

matthew shears: sorry Rosalia

matthew shears: + 1 Steve

Farzaneh Badii: ICANN bylaws: 4.4 (a) .... (iii)whether that organization, council or committee is accountable to its constituencies, stakeholder groups, organizations and other stakeholders

matthew shears: I thiink nwe are going to have to leave some discretion to the SOs and ACs on this rather than being presriptive while noting the defintion text from Farzi

Farzaneh Badii: Cheryl, when SO/ACs are responding to questions we should start another track of work . Whether SO/AC should be subject to IRP perhaps

matthew shears: + 1 to starting another track - need to move forward and not wait on responses to questions

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: We can go back to the Agenda

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: We probably need to list our mandste  clesrly  in Hyderabd update and list where we are  in any discussions to reach those gols

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: goals

matthew shears: + 1 Cheryl

matthew shears: If we make a start on one of other tracks that would at least give an additional reporting element for Hyd

Greg Shatan: Apologies that my audio only participation was not really successful.  I did hear that you were discussing comments I made to the SOAC Questions document.  I'll try to weigh in on the list or in the document, after I see how the overall discussion advanced.

Greg Shatan: Somehow, walking through the streets of New York, past a construction site, road work an ambulance, into the subway and out through Grand Central Terminal was not conducive to full participation.

Greg Shatan: Thank you for considering my comments in my quasi-absence.

Farzaneh Badii: we can work on this : Track 4: Assess whether the IRP would also be applicable to SO and AC activities.

Farzaneh Badii: Thanks Greg

matthew shears: + 1 Farzi

matthew shears: perhaps we could work on building out the works plans for the tracks?

Julf Helsingius: Thank you Cheryl and everybody!

Greg Shatan: Bye all!

Mary Uduma: Bye All

Farzaneh Badii: we can do that Matt. that;s a good idea. bye all 

Rinalia Abdul Rahim: thanks all 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) ALAC AP CCWG Member: Bye all Thank you

Sivasubramanian M: bye all