Ombudsman Meeting #6 (12 Sept @ 19:00 UTC)
Sub-group Members: Chris LaHatte, Elizabeth Andrews, Herb Waye, Kavouss Arasteh, Raoul Plommer, Sebastien Bachollet (6)
Staff: Bernie Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry, Laena Rahim, Yvette Guigneaux,
Apologies: Asha Hemrajani, Klaus Stoll
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
1. Roll Call / Apologies – Welcome – Opening Remarks
2. Action Items from our last call #5
3. Discuss the following chapters of the document
a. Dependencies between the sub-groups
b. ATRT2
c. Stress Tests
d. Current role of the ICANN Ombuds Office
4. Next Meeting - 19 Sept @ 5:00 UTC
5. AOB
1. Roll Call / Apologies – Welcome – Opening Remarks
- Number of apologies - 6 participants
- Many people getting ready for congressional hearings on the transition.
2. Action Items from our last call #5
3. Discuss the following chapters of the document
a. Dependencies between the sub-groups
- Sebastien Bachollet: Action Item: would ask that all liaisons to provide an update on possible dependencies on all calls going forward.
b. ATRT2
- Sebastien Bachollet: Many items from ATRT2 recommendations have been transferred to us. Would ask everyone to read the abstracts sent to the list by Avri.
c. Stress Tests
- Sebastien Bachollet: Steve DelBianco has provided 2 stress tests but cannot join these calls before September 26. As such we will defer
discussion of these until SDB and CLO can join the discussion to present these points.
- Sebastien Bachollet: Steve DelBianco has provided 2 stress tests but cannot join these calls before September 26. As such we will defer
d. Current role of the ICANN Ombuds Office
- Herb Waye: Discussion of PTI. Over the next 3 years will transition from ICANN to being independent wrt HR. Given their ongoing
strong link to ICANN they should remain covered by the ICANN Ombuds. None of this is written and have reached out Samantha Eisner to confirm this. - Ed Morris: Action Item - Would like to hear from Sam Eisner regarding the liability in this case.
- Chris LaHatte: Given the Ombuds office only makes recommendations - never decisions - there is no basis for a suit.
- Ed Morris: Disagree - if you take too long to act on a complaint etc Looking forward to answer from Sam Eisner.
- Herb Waye: We have reached out to Sam Eisner and will clarify this with her. PTI will have its own processes but unclear if the Ombuds
would apply to this. - Chris LaHatte: Ombudsman is not an employee of ICANN but rather a contractor which makes it very different vs our recommendations - under
California it is very difficult to sue an Ombudsman. - Edward Morris: Thanks for that Chris - I was not aware of that. Big differentiation.
- Sebastien Bachollet: We have to find a way to ensure the Ombuds service include PTI as requested by the CWG. If it cannot be
included in the Bylaws maybe it can be included in the Framework of the Ombudsman. - Herb Waye: An addition to the scope of the ICANN Ombuds would be welcome by the office of the Ombuds.
- Herb Waye: Discussion of PTI. Over the next 3 years will transition from ICANN to being independent wrt HR. Given their ongoing
Word Document
- Sebastien Bachollet: Presentation of the document wrt ATRT recommendations. Would welcome input or comments on this.
- Herb Waye: Do they want us to take over doing a review of the office from ATRT? If so I could begin working on this as I have been
contacting people in the industry who do this - but this is dependent on have the necessary funding. - Sebastien Bachollet: My understanding was not this but I am now uncertain of this. I think it is expected that this group is responsible
for carrying this out and not using and outside resource. We need to discuss this with the full group. - Kavouss Arasteh: I think your interpretation is correct SB but this small group may not be the right group to do such and evaluation.
- Sebastien Bachollet: KA I will report on this. to the CCWG plenary. We will have to discuss this with both the CCWG and the ATRT
implementation team.
Back to the list of Chapters of the document.
- Sebastien Bachollet: would like volunteers for each chapter of the sub-group report.
4. Next Meeting - 19 Sept @ 5:00 UTC
- Kavouss Arasteh: What is the difference between recommendations and advice? Usually you do one or the other not both.
- Sebastien Bachollet: KA you may be correct they may be merged later on. Currently they are separate topics.
- Herb Waye: Advice or Advocate mix-up?
- Sebastien Bachollet: possible in some cases but there is a difference. We will see as our discussions advance. We are talking about
advice to the Ombuds office and not advice from them.
5. AOB
- Sebastien Bachollet: Adjourned. Would like to have a document ready for input prior to Hyderabad.- for this we need everyone to contribute.
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Welcome all to the Ombudsman Subgroup Meeting #6 on 12 September 2016 @ 19:00 UTC!
Herb & Chris Ombuds:Brenda you there?
Herb & Chris Ombuds:we will be dialing in from Kleinrock room in LA so hopefully we will get it right... :-)
Brenda Brewer:Yes I am! Hello!
Herb & Chris Ombuds:Hi we are tryig a new technology to our humble life experience... will try the dial in now
Kavouss Arasteh:Dear BRENDA
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:hi all
Brenda Brewer:Calling you Kavouss
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Please remember to mute if not speaking
Kavouss Arasteh:Good Time evry body
Edward Morris:Great Herb. Thanks.
Edward Morris:Thanks for that Chris - I was not aware of that.
Edward Morris:Big differentiation.
Raoul Plommer:Sorry for being late
Herb & Chris Ombuds:Merci Sebastien and all others
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all