ICANN 57 - Hyderabad | 3 - 9 November 2016

ICANN 57 - Hyderabad | 3 - 9 November 2016



If you are considering attending please note that India requires visas for residents and citizens of most countries to attend such conferences - please see the ICANN 57 page at https://meetings.icann.org/en/hyderabad57/travel for detailed information.

ICANN57 Schedule:  HERE

Shuttle Schedule:  HERE


Draft Agenda (subject to updates)

Work Stream 2-CCWG-Accountability Face-to-Face Meeting

ICANN-57 in Hyderabad, India

Wednesday, 2 November | 09:00 - 18:00 (IST)

Location:  Hall 4 (GAC)

Adobe Connect:  https://participate.icann.org/hyd57-hall4 


9.00 - Session 1

10:15 - Coffee break

10:30 - Session 2

12:15 - Lunch

13:15 - Session 3

15:30 - Coffee Break

15:45 - Session 4

17:15 (11:45UTC) AOB (15’)

17:30 (12:00UTC) Conclusion and key messages for co-chairs’ publication (30’)

18.00 (12:30UTC) End of meeting



 WS2 Dashboard PresentationHERE
 CCWG ACCT Co-Chairs Statement at ICANN57HERE
 Letter - Steve Crocker to CCWG ATRT3 Co-ChairsHERE