CCWG Statistics & Diversity
CCWG Statistics & Diversity
There are currently 278 people in the CCWG-Accountability.
26 Members | 252 Participants
and 206 Mailing List Observers
Of the 280 CCWG-Accountability members and participants, the regional representation is as follows:
- 83 North America
- 61 Europe
- 76 Asia/Asia Pacific
- 22 Africa
- 36 Latin America
Of the 280 CCWG-Accountability members and participants, the stakeholder group representation is as follows:
- 88 (no affiliation)
- 99 GNSO
- 31 GAC
- 31 At-Large
- 18 ccNSO/ccTLD
- 7 ASO
- 2 SSAC
In addition, there is 1 ICANN Board Liaison and 1 ICANN Staff Representative.
Analysis of Members/Participants in CWG-Stewardship & CCWG-Accountability: CWG-CCWG_Overlap_List.xlsx (as of 20 March)