2025-01-14 Transfer Policy Review PDP WG Call
The Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group call will take place on Tuesday, 14 January 2025 at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/3juuay8u
- Welcome and Chair Updates
- Consensus Call Process
- Finalize Rec. 35 (fee ceiling for bulk transfers)
- Review CANNOT LIVE WITH recommendations
- Finalization of Final Report
Apologies: Prudence Malinki (RrSG), Osvaldo Novoa (Council Liaison), James Galvin (RySG), Alan Barrett (ICANN Board)
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items:(due Monday, 20 January 2025)
- Review the highlighted portions of the Draft TPR Final Report document (attached)
NOTE: The WG has already reviewed the updated Recommendations text and found them stable (Rec 35 TBD), therefore please pay particular attention to the updates of Rationale text (which are based on the WG’s deliberations captured in the PCRT).
- In this new TPR Final Report - WG Review Tables Google Doc:
- Identify any text that you CANNOT LIVE WITH (provide text that you could support);
- Identify any text that you CAN LIVE WITH but PREFER a change (provide text that you would prefer);
- Identify any grammatical edits
Please (1) review the Draft TPR Final Report and (2) identify any proposed text changes by Monday, 20 January, so they may be discussed during the TPR WG’s next call on Tuesday, 21 January, at 16 UTC.
- Welcome and Chair Updates
- Chair welcomed the participants, highlighting that the group remains on track to deliver the final report to the Council by early February.
- Consensus Call Process
- Chair noted that only two meetings remain.
- A consensus call will be initiated shortly. This will include the Chair’s consensus designations for each recommendation, and there will be a 10-day response period for WG members.
- The group has achieved consensus on most recommendations.
- Recommendation 33: ALAC’s Consolidated Policy Working Group discussed Recommendation 33 and suggests addinga new sentence clarifying registrants’ involvement in transfer dispute resolution as distinct from the informal resolution that occurs between registrars today. Emphasized that this adjustment ensures registrant participation without altering current registrar practices. Feedback:WG agreed to treat this as a “friendly amendment” for clarity.
- Finalize Rec. 35 (fee ceiling for bulk transfers)
- Recommendation 35: Fee Threshold Adjustments
- Key Changes: Inclusion of Affiliate registry relationships in the calculation of fee thresholds.
- Example added to clarify minimum threshold for Affiliates.
- Removal of references to “registry families” in favour of “affiliates,” aligning with existing contractual language.
- Discussion: Clarified that recommendations do not apply to registry service providers (RSPs) as they lack contractual standing with ICANN.
- Rick Wilhelm and Jim Galvin to seek broader registry input prior to the next meeting on 21 January before finalizing.
- Feedback: Awaiting registry stakeholder input, but current language deemed sufficient for inclusion.
- Review CANNOT LIVE WITH recommendations
- ICANN Org noted that nobody put anything into the Cannot Live With table so ICANN Org understands that all the recommendations, with the small changes discussed today, are stable and will be included into the draft Final Report.
- NCSG reps noted one inconsistency/typo in Rec. 22, where the reference to days should be changed to hours to be consistent with the rest of the report. No objections from WG - text to be updated.
- Finalization of Final Report
- Presentation by ICANN Org:
- Highlighted changes from the Initial Report with yellow highlights for transparency.
- WG to focus on updated rationale texts reflecting changes based on public comments.
- Comments and objections due via the TPR Final Report - WG Review Tables Google doc by the next meeting on Tuesday, 21 January for final review.
- Closing Remarks and Next Steps
- Remaining meetings will focus on:
- Addressing any remaining comments or objections.
- Completing the consensus call.
- Submitting the final report to the Council.
- Support staff has been converting the group's Initial Report to a Final Report, and to make it very transparent as to what has changed. All text that differs from the initial to the final has been highlighted in yellow. There is updated rationale language which tries to encompass or explain what the group changed as a result of the public comments.