

Resourcing and Prioritization of Community Recommendations: Draft Proposal for Community Discussions


v1ICANN BoardDraftProposals on how to move forward with related, important streamlining work. Principles listed in the draft proposal to be updated based on feedback from community and practical experience from review teams, ICANN Board, and ICANN org.  
Process Proposal for Streamlining Organizational Reviews


v1ICANN orgDraftThe second round of organizational reviews being almost complete, the community has raised issues that indicate the reviews would benefit from streamlining and the Board has concurred that the organizational review process would benefit from adjustments. ICANN organization has drafted this proposal on how the process of streamlining should be conducted and on which issues it should focus. Once these criteria are agreed upon, the Board will work with the ICANN community, assisted by ICANN org, to find appropriate solutions that have community support.
Operating Standards


v2ICANN orgDraftSection 4.6 of the Bylaws calls for the development of Operating Standards to support the work of specific reviews that are conducted by the ICANN community, facilitated by ICANN org, and overseen by the ICANN Board. Specifically, section 4.6 requires that the Operating Standards should adhere to guidelines regarding candidate nomination, review team selection, size of the review team, conflict of interest policies, decision-making procedure, solicitation of independent experts, and review team access to confidential documentation subject to the Confidential Disclosure Framework. 


v1ICANN orgDraft
Next Steps


v1ICANN orgDraftFurther opportunity for consultation due to the limited number of comments received on the short-term and long-term options to adjust the timeline of reviews, and to confirm the way forward with the community, based on ICANN organization's understanding of the public comments, in coordination with the ICANN Board through the Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC).
Short & Long-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline of Reviews


v1ICANN orgDraftLong-term options to provide more reasonable scheduling across ICANN reviews (Specific and Organizational), with the goal of meeting ICANN's accountability and transparency obligations in a more practical and sustainable manner.


v1ICANN orgDraftShort-term options pertaining to current reviews to address the workload of the volunteer community and impact on ICANN resources. Specifically, the aim of this public comment proceeding is to invite feedback on options on whether and how to adjust the timeline for two Specific Reviews to alleviate existing strain on volunteer and ICANN resources. The two reviews for consideration for short-term options are the third Accountability and Transparency Review (ATRT3) and the second Registration Directory Service Review (RDS-WHOIS2). On 5 June 2018, the RDS-WHOIS2 Review Team submitted a public comment to request that all RDS-WHOIS2 related options be removed from the Short-Term Options to Adjust the Timeline of Specific Reviews public comment proceeding. The public comment period and associated Short-Term Options document [PDF, 108 KB] were updated accordingly.