FAQs on Security Framework

FAQs on Security Framework

  1. Will the Framework document be translated into multiple languages?
    1. Yes. The finalized document will be available in 6UN languages. The translated versions will follow the publication of the English version.
  2. Is Public Comment required for the draft Framework?
    1. This is not a policy implementation nor a contractual requirements document; therefore, a public comment proceeding would not be required. However, SFDT has decided to conduct a public comment for broader community feedback prior to finalization of the Framework.
  3. Where will the final Framework document be posted?
    1. Current plan is to post the Framework under Resource>Registry Operator https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/registries/registries-en
    2. The exact location will be provided with the announcement.
  4. For more information, send an email to globalsupport@icann.org with "Security Framework" in the subject line.