Agenda for Registry Roadshow Workshop

Agenda for Registry Roadshow Workshop

Registry Roadshow Agenda: Subject to change and we welcome your suggestions)

Check-in:  Noon to 12:40PM

Audience is requested to take their seat by 12:50 PM for us to start the Show on Time

Day 1:  1 PM to 6 PM: Act 1

Introduction / General Business

  • On boarding: Steps for successful Onboarding
  • Registry Operator ongoing operations: What are the ongoing responsibilities and when are they required?

Specific Services

  • Registry Services Evaluation Policy (RSEP): Detailed discussion of the steps involved in the RSEP by Registry Operator and ICANN
  • Registry Assignment: Detailed discussion of the steps when requesting a Registry Assignment

Day 2:  9 AM to 6 PM:  Act 2

Technical Services

  • Name Collision
  • Universal Acceptance
  • Registry Wellness Program

Identifier System – Security, Stability and Resiliency (Two-way discussion)

  • Threat awareness: ICANN’s SSR team shares its thoughts on threat awareness, the roles the team and Registries play in threat preparedness or incident response, and the kinds of communications that registries and ICANN use to mitigate threats.
  • Trust-based collaboration: An introduction to Trust-based Collaboration and how ICANN’s SSR group works with the Industry. The SSR team shares how ICANN and registries work in this area.
  • Coordinated security actions:  The SSR team shares examples of the nature and types of actions that affect or involve Registries.

Contractual Compliance

  • Review and discuss contractual obligations
  • Share lessons learned

Day 3:  9 AM to Noon:  Act 3 Scene 1

Roundtable Discussion

  • How to engage with Registry Services: Registry Services Relationship Management
  • Sharing Registry Operator experiences
  • What's going well, what could be improved
  • Common challenges?
  • Comments, feedback and suggestions on the Roadshow

Day 3: 1 PM to 6 PM: Act 3 Scene 2

One-on-One Sessions with ICANN Staff

30-60 minute appointments are available to Registries on a first come, first served basis. Please note your request and desired time slot in the comment box when registering for the workshop. ICANN will confirm your appointment. 


Remote Access

(Special agenda item for Tokyo only: there is a meeting of the local Registrars from 9AM to 11:30AM at the same venue; Registries may attend to as observers; limited number of 10-minute slots are available for Registries to introduce themselves to the Registrar; contact dennis.chang@icann.org ; for agenda click -> here )