Outlines and mind-maps -- working drafts

Outlines and mind-maps -- working drafts

The Thick Whois working group is using mind-mapping software to document much of its research, prior to moving the results to a word processing document for publication.    This page is where we're tracking our work.

Document types:

MM -- these are the editable mind-map files -- here is a link to the open-source Freemind program that we are using for our work

HTML -- these are html files that can be read by any web browser that has Javascript enabled

9-January 2013

Thick WHOIS 8-Jan 2013.mm

Thick WHOIS 8-Jan 2013.mm.html

15-December 2012

Thick WHOIS v2.mm

Thick WHOIS v2.html

8-December 2012

Thick WHOIS.mm

Thick WHOIS.html