6 September 2012
6 September 2012
The meeting of the Thick WHOIS PDP Drafting Team of Thursday 6 September 2012 at 1800 UTC. For other times: http://tinyurl.com/cxkelkz
Please note that we will be using ADOBE CONNECT for the meeting to facilitate sharing of documents and information. To log-in, please go to: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/thickwhois/. After clicking the link to enter the Adobe Connect room, please choose 'Enter as a Guest', type in your first and last name, and click 'Enter Room'. For those of you using Adobe Connect for the first time, please find a short introduction video here: https://admin.adobe.acrobat.com/_a227210/participatemeeting/
Proposed Agenda
- Roll Call / SOI
- Election of DT Chair(s)
- Any further questions concerning background materials
- Discuss approach and timeline for completing charter template
- Next steps / next meeting
Action items
- Nominations for chair / vice-chair / co-chair of the DT are encouraged so that a chair(s) can be selected at the next meeting
- Please review the background materials posted on the wiki (see 5. Background Documents). As requested during the call, I've included a red-line version of the Final Issue Report as well as a link to the public comment forum on the Preliminary Issue Report. You'll also find the slides that I used for Thursday's meeting posted. In addition, I've also added a couple of example charters of other WGs which may assist the DT in its preparations.