2020-01-28 -CANCELLED- New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
2020-01-28 -CANCELLED- New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group will take place on Tuesday, 28 January 2020 at 03:00 UTC for 90 minutes. This meeting is being cancelled due to the possibility that members in the Asia Pacific region may be unable to attend due to Lunar New Year celebrations.
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/qqsjvz2
- Review Agenda/Statements of Interest
- Review draft final recommendations – see attached Working Document and here:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kUlmZH8nxWTgfcRluA5FxLheMm4XhhOwkRt7om52aQU/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]. The goal of this exercise is intended to accomplish at least a couple of things, 1) Ensure that the format and level of detail, which emphasizes the recommendations/implementation guidance/affirmations and rationale rather than comprehensive deliberations (and which follows the model established by Work Track 5), is supported by the WG, and 2) Give the WG the opportunity to make substantive progress on finalizing topics.
- 2.5.1 Application Fees & 2.5.2 Variable Fees
Apologies: Susan Payne, Heath Dixon, Katrin Ohlmer, Annebeth Lange
Notes/ Action Items