13 March 2024 - #142
13 March 2024 - #142
Members: Matt Thomas, Suzanne Woolf, Matt Larson, Hadia Elminiawi, Merike Kaeo, Anne Aikman-Scalese, James Galvin, Steve Sheng, Jeff Schmidt, Ram Mohan, Tara Whalen
Apologies: Betty Fausta, Rod Rasmussen, Berry Leiba, Warren Kumari
Staff/Contractors: Jonathan Phillips, Jennifer Bryce, Casey Deccio, Michael Puckett
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Finish review of ICANN org public comment
- Reminder of discussion topics that need DG input (see email thread)
- Begin walkthrough and review of redline edits to the draft Study 2 document
- Determine availability for a call week of 25 March (IETF week)
- AOB, close
Meeting Notes: PDF