13 March 2024 - #142

13 March 2024 - #142


MembersMatt Thomas, Suzanne Woolf, Matt Larson, Hadia Elminiawi, Merike Kaeo, Anne Aikman-Scalese, James Galvin, Steve Sheng, Jeff Schmidt, Ram Mohan, Tara Whalen

Apologies: Betty Fausta, Rod Rasmussen, Berry Leiba, Warren Kumari


Staff/Contractors: Jonathan Phillips, Jennifer Bryce, Casey Deccio, Michael Puckett


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2. Finish review of ICANN org public comment
  3. Reminder of discussion topics that need DG input (see email thread)
  4. Begin walkthrough and review of redline edits to the draft Study 2 document
  5. Determine availability for a call week of 25 March (IETF week)
  6. AOB, close

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/RPgDWgfwBDInJORUNdvEzneRzi_D30BGNtDMQdgEZ45h08ls5VrsfXiop4lteli1.eviMTSOhwJstc0tG

Meeting Notes: PDF
