2017 Registered Participants
2017 Registered Participants
First Name | Last Name | ICANN Stakeholder Group | Country/Territory of Main Residence | Region | Gender | Would you like to become a member of the organizing team of the Inter-cultural course? |
Glenn | McKnight | At-Large | Canada | NA | M | No |
Satish | Babu | At-Large | India | AP | M | Yes |
Sarah | Kiden | At-Large | Uganda | AF | F | Yes |
Poncelet | Ileleji | NCSG | The Gambia | AF | M | Yes |
Paulos | Nyirenda | ISPCP | Malawi | AF | M | Yes |
Tijani | BEN JEMAA | At-Large | Tunisia | AF | M | Yes |
Esteban | Lescano | ISPCP | Argentina | LAC | M | Yes |
Judith | Hellerstein | At-Large | USA | NA | F | Yes |
Javier | RĂșa-Jovet | At-Large | Puerto Rico | NA | M | Yes |
Maarten | Botterman | ICANN Board | The Netherlands | EUR | M | Yes |
Lito | Ibarra | ICANN Board | El Salvador | LAC | M | No |
Sebastien | Bachollet | At-Large | France | EUR | M | Yes |
Krishna | Seeburn | NCSG-NCUC / At-Large | Mauritius | AF | M | Yes |
Raoul | Plommer | NCSG | Finland | EUR | M | No |
Zina | BRAHIM MAHAMAT | NCSG | Chad | AF | F | Yes |
Ines | Hfaiedh | NCSG-NCUC | Tunisia | AF | M | Yes |
Russ | Mundy | SSAC | USA | NA | M | No |
Ana | Neves | GAC | Portugal | EUR | F | Yes |
Bikram | Shrestha | NCUC | Nepal | AP | M | Yes |
Mesumbe Tomslin | Samme-Nlar | At-Large | Australia | AP | M | Yes |
Dmitry | Kohmanyuk | ccNSO | Ukraine | EUR | M | Yes |
Pam | Little | Registrars Stakeholder Group | Australia | AP | F | Yes |
Barrack | Otieno | ccNSO | Kenya | AF | M | Yes |
Johan | Helsingius | GNSO NCA / NCUC | The Netherlands | EUR | M | No |
Amir | Qayyum | At-Large | Pakistan | AP | M | Yes |
Wael | Al- Khatib | MEAC- SWG | Jordan | AP | M | Yes |
Michael | Oghia | Civil society (NCSG/NCUC/MEAC-SWG/Fellowship) | Serbia | EUR | M | Yes |
Ajay | Data | NBGP | India | AP | M | Yes |
Kemel | Zaidan Maluf | Private Sector | Brazil | LAC | M | Yes |
Ali | Hussain | NextGen Fellow | Malaysia | AP | M | No |
Zakir | Syed | NCSG-NCUC | Pakistan / UAE | AP | M | Yes |
Victor Javier | Becerra Ramos | Civil Society | Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela | LAC | M | Yes |
BERAN | DONDEH GILLEN | At-Large | The Gambia | AF | F | Yes |
Abdul Saboor | Malik | NCUC | Pakistan | AP | M | No |
Marilyn | Cade | CSG-BC | United States | NA | F | Yes |
Ihtisham | Khalid | Civil Society | Pakistan | AP | M | Yes |
Vanda | Scartezini | At-Large | Brazil | LAC | F |