Subteam 1: Law Enforcement Authority Issues
Subteam 1: Law Enforcement Authority Issues
Subgroup: Law Enforcement Authority Issues
Purpose: The purpose of this Implementation Review Team subgroup is to work with the Public Safety Working Group (PSWG) to address the concerns expressed by the GAC regarding accreditation of privacy/proxy service providers. It is expected that this subgroup's work will include conducting a preliminary review of a to-be-created disclosure framework for accredited Privacy and Proxy Service providers' handling of requests for information from Law Enforcement Authorities, before the framework is presented to the full IRT.
Mailing List Archives: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gdd_pp_irt_lea/
LEA Issues Subgroup Volunteers
Name | Affiliation |
Michele Neylon | RrSG |
Graeme Bunton | RrSG chair |
Stephanie Perrin | NCUC |
Eric Rokobauer | RrSG |
Steve Metalitz | IPC |
Ashley Heineman | NTIA |
Greg DiBiase | RrSG |
Sara Bockey | RrSG |
Carolyn Mitchell | RrSG |
Victoria Sheckler | IPC |
David Hughes | IPC |
Janelle McAlister | RrSG |
Carlton Samuels | ALAC |
Vlad Dinculescu | RrSG |
Nick Shorey | PSWG |
Alex Deacon | IPC |
Discussion document (draft)–subteam feedback requested by 13 January