IOT Meeting #128 | 30 April 2024
IOT Meeting #128 | 30 April 2024
Members: David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Greg Shatan, Kristina Rosette, Malcolm Hutty, Sam Eisner, Susan Payne
Guests/Observers: Kate Wallace, Liz Le
ICANN Org: Andrea Glandon, Bernard Turcotte
Apologies: Brenda Brewer, Mike Rodenbaugh
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to brenda.brewer@icann.org **
- Review agenda and SOI updates
- Action items:
- SOIs:
- Action for IOT: all to review our SOIs to ensure they are up to date, and inform/remind IOT colleagues about any current or anticipated interest we may have in an IRP.
- Redlines against Current Interim Supplementary Procedures:
- Action for Bernard: to create a version with redlines of the rules against the Interim Supplementary Procedure (attached).
- Standing Panel Training Materials (Liz Le email 29 March).
- Action for IOT: Review the list and provide comments over email by 23 April
- Interim Measures (Art 10)
- Action for IOT: review text from Interim Supplementary Procedures and ICDR Rules. Come to the next call on 30 April prepared to discuss
- SOIs:
- Redlines – opportunity to flag any issues on the call; otherwise to do so by email by 6 May
- Standing Panel [training] materials - discuss draft input from IOT to Org
- Outstanding task on IRP Rules: Interim Measures (Art 10) (see attached extracts from rules) – Any updates required? Page limits?
- Outstanding task on IRP Rules: Procedure where ICANN elects not to respond (Bylaws 4.3(n)(iv)(F)) – begin consideration (see attached section from Bylaws/extract from ICDR rules)
- Time permitting - Outstanding task on IRP Rules: Non-binding IRPs and Precedent - is it within our remit to consider whether non-binding IRPs should constitute precedent? (see attached sections from Bylaws)
- Next meeting 7 May / 13May TBC
Transcript: PDF