IOT Meeting #83 | 14 December 2021 @ 19:00 UTC

IOT Meeting #83 | 14 December 2021 @ 19:00 UTC


Members:  David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Greg Shatan, Kristina Rosette, Kurt Pritz, Malcolm Hutty, Scott Austin, Susan Payne

Guests/Observers:  Kate Wallace, Liz Le

ICANN Org:  Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  /

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to mssi-secretariat@icann.org **


  1. Review agenda and updates to SOIs.
  2. Review status of Action Items.
  3. Confirmation of next meeting: 11 January 2022, 15:00 UTC.
  4. Update on Consolidation sub-group.
  5. Update on Initiation sub-group.
  6. Review ICANN Legal comment on MH proposal vs. Tolling.
  7. Review ICANN Legal updated Repose and Safety Valve document.

Transcript:  PDF


Documents:   ICANN org's proposed revision to Rule 4: Time for Filing

Zoom Chat Transcript:  

00:29:45 David McAuley (Verisign): very fair summary IMO, Susan
00:51:25 Susan Payne: A "Claimant" is any legal or natural person, group, or entity including, but not limited to the EC, a Supporting Organization, or an Advisory Committee that has been materially affected by a Dispute. To be materially affected by a Dispute, the Claimant must suffer an injury or harm that is directly and causally connected to the alleged violation (Bylaws 4.3(b)(i))
00:55:27 Kurt Pritz: Could use “certain” rather than “exceptional”?
00:55:39 Malcolm Hutty: Good suggestion
01:07:10 Sam Eisner: The big change was being focused only on Board action and to include staff action as well
01:07:44 Sam Eisner: There is no differentiation between substance or procedure in the IRP as reflected in the Bylaws post-transition
01:15:56 Sam Eisner: But it’s “when you did THIS” - so you have to point at what THIS is
01:18:55 David McAuley (Verisign): Fair point by Malcolm re ICDR
01:19:49 Bernard Turcotte: Time check - 30 minutes left in call
01:26:40 Sam Eisner: It comes from initiating an IRP with teh ICDR
01:26:53 Sam Eisner: Not because of the Supplementary Procedures
01:27:41 Flip Petillion: Sorry !
01:27:53 Flip Petillion: Don’t know What’s happening
01:37:32 Bernard Turcotte: Time check - 10 minutes left in call
01:39:02 Sam Eisner: ICANN can prepare a response once we see Flip’s submission, as we don’t concur it’s a fully settled point
01:40:55 Flip Petillion: Good point David
01:43:07 Flip Petillion: Thanks Susan et all
01:44:05 Bernard Turcotte: Will coordinate this with Legal
01:49:44 David McAuley (Verisign): Thanks all and happy holidays
01:49:49 Flip Petillion: Enjoy the holidays ! See you next year i guess
01:49:57 Scott Austin: Thanks you