IRP Initiation #3 - 7 December 2021

IRP Initiation #3 - 7 December 2021


Members:  Malcolm Hutty, Mike Rodenbaugh, Liz Le, Scott Austin

ICANN Org:   Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer

Apologies:  /

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to mssi-secretariat@icann.org **


  1. Review agenda
  2. Action Items
    • EL – Produce ICANN’s administrative costs for the ICDR IRP system (ideally broken down by categories). These costs should not include any costs related to specific IRPs ICANN is involved in.
  3. Review status of Action Items.
  4. Review and discuss information related to applying for an IRP.
  5. Review and discuss ICANN’s administrative costs for supporting the ICDR IRP system.
  6. Discuss the lack of contract between ICANN and ICDR.
  7. Next meetings – Tuesday, January 18th, 17:00 UTC.


Documents:  N/A

Zoom Chat Transcript